
980 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2012/06/02 (金) 03:53:53 ID: nYTCP3V4 🧦
>>翔PC ◆KEEa96Ecz.

in English, please.
981 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2012/06/02 (金) 03:55:21 ID: nYTCP3V4 🧦
You are right!
2ch staffs is crazy.
984 : ◆x/qYPRQKfqJj [sage] : 2012/06/02 (金) 05:28:01 ID: nYTCP3V4
You know. PINK volunteers (such that Jim, JACK, Misuzuya and I ,etc.) have VPN account.
They are static IP address. Maybe, their range is very narrow.
I think their range can be defined as following "regluar expression"

for example:
vip0005.maido3.net ◆EROyVmNwwM
vip0225.maido3.net DeleDele ◆orzORZ/1Go

vip40034.maido3.net ◆Momoca3cMo

It is better to allocate for non-volunteer-users with bigger number VPN
such that vip[1-9]\d\d\d.maido3.net
986 : ◆x/qYPRQKfqJj [sage] : 2012/06/02 (金) 08:29:04 ID: nYTCP3V4
Many deleter's VPN is vip0001...vip0099.
maybe, volunteers are less than 100, isn't it?

I think the better way is asking the volunteer-users to change VPN account vip0001...vip0099.
if there are available VPN acount in vip0001...vip0099, assign whether we use or not.
Then, we ask the 2ch staffs to change the blocking range to "vip([1-9]\d|0[1-9])\d\d\.maido3\.net".
"vip([1-9]\d|0[1-9])\d\d\.maido3\.net" means vip0100...vip9999.

It's a story before we build our own system.
after that, let's remove vip\d+ from blocking list.