
173 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2011/04/08 (木) 18:14:07 ID: p1+WfdBn
wait, are you talking about that i said this so-and-so
was annoying and wondered if there was anybody else who knew anything
about it, so i would have a little idea whether this is spam?
i'm not suggesting anyone should be motivated on this or whatsoever;
please don't take it that way.
having said that, is it against the rules?
i never looked at the official guideline, so i can't tell anything about it,
but if that's the case, then i'll just head out to somewhere else.
174 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2011/04/08 (木) 21:15:35 ID: p1+WfdBn
ok, never mind. the problem solved. all is good.