
513 : ◆ERO/DUMPAE : 2011/07/20 (火) 22:25:41 ID: w5VNIIpV

Hello JIM.

Who ? Chief Joseph ?

You are the custodian of bbspink.
You have a responsibility to remove deleted according to the guidelines.

You carry the responsibility to resolve all issues.

Best Regards,
514 : ◆ERO/DUMPAE : 2011/07/20 (火) 22:35:13 ID: w5VNIIpV
> このスレでのJimさんへの度重なる依頼はスレ違いですよ。

You are wrong.
We uses threads to JIM manager contact.

Deleter do not carry the deletion, volunteers are not responsible.
So, we ask to JIM, for deletion administrative responsibilities.

Your mistakes are annoying.
Here you Please do not work.

You originally, please perform the activity should be removed.