
836 : ◆ERO/DUMPAE : 2012/03/17 (金) 18:01:41 ID: wQJHQZDH
Dear Mr. JIM,


Volunteer that you have approval, there is a problem.
That volunteer was used vulgar language.

In order to maintain the quality of the bbspink, and guidance from you, please.
If you do not improve after you are teaching you, beat the dismissal.
In order to maintain the quality of the bbspink.


Best regards.
838 : ◆ERO/DUMPAE : 2012/03/18 (土) 02:19:58 ID: wQJHQZDH
By user questions, But response volunteer poor wording.

This has been a problem.
Can you understand?
840 : ◆ERO/DUMPAE : 2012/03/18 (土) 08:09:16 ID: wQJHQZDH
Thank you.
If you're even a little conveyed my feelings, I'm glad.