819 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2015/11/19 (水) 13:25:50 ID: CwBuFab2

Hi Jim-san. It’s been a long time..

Before another much of the following board strange people will stay a lot .
At the plate I had seen There are troubled people who would fill the thread to say like pussy and penis with copy and paste .
Therefore not approaching people Despite the current popularity of the cartoon title thread .


Posts from the smart cell phone can not be addressed because the ID is changed many times .
However, we can not see them with their own if SLIP = vvvvv.
822 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2015/11/19 (水) 14:10:31 ID: CwBuFab2
Non,non, Because autonomy of that board are those that do not function .
Behavior of Drunker and mango has had to lose the authority of self-government . Right?