I love you,sir-JIm! I'm still your Sword(baseball bat)haha
Many peopleI think that here is comfortable by this change. because it is reported that "All 2ch browsers" is not usable in the web-news of Japan Particularly, All 2ch browsers for smartphone.
I am sad not to be able to watch /live*/board and /poverty/board. > What happened? > > The owner of this website (fox.2ch.net) has banned your IP address (
I suggest that you should show affiliated advertisement which worthy of 2ch, for example, set up them on >>1001 or >>1002 with "AA", and set up them as 2,3 lines under some response which users contributed, not make a new system, not are flasy.
We will develop a pirating-API-browser using a key given by Rubbishita's JaneStyle. Of course it will be ad-free, cross-platform application can be deployed on various computers.
And our app will access api.2ch.net/v1/auth/ frequently to get a new sid because we don't want our users to be tracked by sid. So please enhance server performance to handle such many auth requests. thanks! useless Jim!
Hmm I heard you allowed Yamashita-san to exclude all those open-source 2ch/bbspink browsers (and their developers and users.) I know they are not so numerous in numbers, but since they are active, capable and 2ch-loving old users in general I'm afraid we'll have to pay for it if you let it go.
It's not that traitorous wotsit guy but the users that you need to hear and believe in. Discarding ardent users for money is a really bad idea. No one will love you then.
Also some of those open-source people are so capable that they already start to code workarounds (html scrapers) which will weigh the server down and make the API meaningless anyway. IMO we need to make them our friends, not enemies. I sincerely wish you to change your mind.
Jim-san will have to do a very very difficult, delicate and maybe painful decision about it, so it's natural he cannot answer us individually. All we can do is to give him the best advices we can make honestly and wait.
My advices are: - 2ch browsers have always been "open" and joined by many ardent users for years, thus they must stay open. It's a community or an ecosystem of their own. Even Jim-san cannot change it. - closed API is doomed to fail in any open web service anyway, so please fail gently. - forcing ads won't work. Let everyone use the API, and just reward (with cash or privileged connection) those who display ads or buy Ronin ; make it incentive-driven. - Mr. Yamashita is a business person, so he acts for his own benefit. Neither ours nor yours. Please face the users... that's why you've always been loved.
Locking out SC and log-soku with closed API? I bet that won't work. I can easily devise 50 workarounds. Please just forget that idea. Let's build nice platform just like twitter or facebook API instead.
Starting from excluding everyone (resulting in oligopoly) is the easiest way to ruin everything. No one would help us. Let's do the opposite.
For example, we can start with fully-open easy-to-use useful nice sweet API and wait for all the developers to use it (and collect the feedbacks to make it better.) Then we can start to restrict it slightly -- eg. we can give everyone 2400 free API access per day (100 per hour). If one exceeds it, the access is limited to once in 30 seconds. Authorised browsers with ads or Ronin can bypass this restriction. (Of course one can bypass it by changing IPs, but that's inconvenient, you know.)
And then we can terminate DAT service at last. Not at first. Make haste slowly. 急がば回れ
Hi, JIm-san. I'm from Otaku Board whose "BBS_THREAD_TATESUGI" parameter is too severe to keep continuiity of threads. I desire that you reduce the parameter from 128 to 64 or less. Several threads are extreamly hot topic, though there are evidently many depopulation threads. Now we are discussing in http://hayabusa6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/otaku/1250092432/ and there's no objection to easing restriction of thread-tatesugi. So, if you don't mind what I demand, please consider and change it.
JIM-san, Excuse me again. I've just not mention the strict parameter of BBS_THREAD_TATESUGI of Otaku board. I ask you set the parameter to 【32】. Please consider. Thank you. http://hayabusa6.2ch.net/otaku/SETTING.TXT
I heard the abolishment of DAT service will be postponed for some months. If it's true, that's really good a judgement. I really hope that new API will be something everyone will love, not hate.
It would be better if you let all the open-source browsers/developers test and use the new API. We can restrict it later anytime, isn't it?
Decrease in number of postings is due to cookie problem, so I guess it's temporal. DAT service still seems to work, so all the existing 2ch browsers should work.
What I worry is future dwindling by making new entries of browsers impossible. That's why I recommend to let everyone use API (in a limited way, at least.) Everyone should be able to code new browsers and services. That's how new innovations come from users, so it for sure will benefit us.
APIkey leaks were caused by poor outdated technologies. You should force to make them implement modern technologies such like custom virtual machine or chunked packing.
908 :名無し編集部員:2015/03/13(金) 11:00:32.67 ID:hfkjHrAc Hi, Code Monkey-san, APIkeys of all android-based browsers (incl. 2chGear and 2chA1Fox) were leaked. http://anago.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/software/1426085211/92 I don't check it's usable but it's very probable.
Hi,Jim. Do you satisfied with this situation? Already 2ch users and number of reses has been reduced to less than half of peacetime Many people will go out of 2ch. Broken things that we have built up until now. I'm so sad
The aim of this API stuff is to kill open-source browsers in order to force advertisement. That's all. Crawlers with the lowest technology can easily avoid it. Don't even bother.
What useless Jim did always ended with damaging innocent gentle users. Pirating uses are never bothered with such changes. They can still pirate. The guys operation 2ch has less brain than normal people, so they can't understand what they are doing is totally meaningless.
>>98 Hi,Jim. Do you satisfied with this situation? Already 2ch users and number of reses has been reduced to less than half of peacetime Many people will go out of 2ch. Broken things that we have built up until now. I'm so sad
A good resident who owns the ronin How was this time of treatment to think ? This is done in the madness . I will insist honest answer . Refund , or if there is no special measures
Hi Jim-san. I'm Takuya , an akb board user and a kenmomen.
In akb board 【http://mastiff.2ch.net/akb/】 , Recently , space for name was changed from hidden place name to indicated place name 【『名無しさん@実況は禁止です@転載禁止』→『47の素敵な@(県名表示)へ』】. But , most of board users didn't know all , and we noticed after the change. This is akb board users's reaction.【http://mastiff.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/akb/1421149484/】 And , the vote for this change , there are 20 name proposed . But , in 20 names , there 19 hidden place names , and only one indicated place name. In addition , this vote was not to be known to all.【http://kanae.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/vote/1419531044/】 We think this vote is ineffection.
We hope that you have time for spend for us , and restore the space for name【to 『名無しさん@実況は禁止です@転載禁止』】. Sorry about a long text.
Now you're to add advertisements to all the res!? I'm afraid you're going too far recently... looking as though you are testing your users' tolerance or wanna give other moribund services a chance.Think different? by 2ch.net/bbspink.com
At least, if you force the ads in this way, then you don't have to force closed API and kill open-source browsers. Please don't be suicidal and make everyone your foe.Think different? by 2ch.net/bbspink.com
Hey Jim, do you know JaneStyle can replace "Think dfferent" by "ReplaceString" configuraiton. Thus, many PC users will use such replace settings to get rid of "Think differnt" phrase. Plase let JaneStyle to use ReplaceString settings.
We are here representing the Hikky board to inform you that the hikky board has been under severe attack for more than 5 months since last year. The attakers have been creating garbage (meaningless) threads intentionally in order to break the function there and destroy the community, and as a result approximately 2/3 of the threads, which had been there, were lost. More than 90 percent of the threads being created there have been garbage threads by them, and the situation has remain the same since last year. Local residents there have been leaving 2ch due to the endless attack. Please take a look at threads there ordered by created date.
Please take a look at this picture, which is a snapshot of threads at the hikky board. 90% of the threads there are created by trolls. http://imgur.com/fIhQB8m
The board is dying. The situation has remain the same for more than 5 months. We hope you take a measure to cope with it.
1.Limitation on browsers specialized for 2ch.net, which caused the terrible decrease in users. It also means that you made communities working on 2ch.net, especially on technical boards, seriously decline.
2.No effective measures against copyright violations by sc and other sites which profit by illegally distributing content of 2ch(net). I (and probably most of 2channelers) doubt if you are willing to regulate them. You should show your aggressive attitude against them by achieving results.
3.Setting improper rules limiting access for the peace of threads. Actually now on many threads flamers are preventing people from peacefully communicating with each other. Particularly in the case of a slow thread, they sometimes kill its community .
4.Setting too many disabled words , that I'm at a loss to know why I am made to avoid using even normal words. You are just violating freedom of expression. Are you a dictator?
Perhaps, I think the same topic is spoken of them in 2ch operational information plate. Breaking News + and Moe + of autonomy I believe the drunker of general manager of Plus bulletin board, I want to change to another person. Plus board of autonomy thread we began to be able to determine the democratically rules at their will. However, it ignores the rules that drunker decided is autonomy, it has become much to dictatorship. In particular, Moe + matter of rule changes of the board but was something cruel, it's the same in other bulletin board. It is only good if only deprivation of ★ violated a written rule in the future. drunker is no need to manage. In response to the request of autonomy, only operated change the setting. This work would be possible even JACK and CodeMonkey.
Until now, residents who had been accustomed to dictatorship of Nishimura seemed had forgotten how to autonomy. However, was able to dive autonomy from around the cure happy came. Technique of autonomy of other plate has come to be applied to + bulletin board.
Soon, do not be good be replaced with other people the administrator of + bulletin board from drunker? The administrator of A bulletin board there should not be any reason that must be in one person.
Dictatorship is I think only that it extraordinary measures.
Soon, do not be good be replaced with other people the administrator of + bulletin board from drunker? The administrator of the Plus bulletin board there should not be any reason that must be in one person.
Dictatorship is I think only that it extraordinary measures.
>>161 Though I really hate the way API was implemented, putting it aside... > 2ちゃんねるの削除体制を一新し、日本国の法律に基づいた削除ルールを制定し、 > 皆さまが安心して利用できるクリーンな掲示板を目指して運営しています。 > > そして2ch.netの運営は広告から得られる収益によって成り立っています。 I read this statement as follows --
The deleters (削除人) were disguised as "volunteers", but actually were hired by Hiroyuki. So most of them disappeared along with Hiroyuki and the deletion got paralyzed. Now Race Queen will employ new deleters instead, using the money they rise from new ads.
So let's see if they keep their words. It's their last chance to restore the trust.
Thank you for the reply. If I employ a new The deleters sometime soon and am settled, waiting wants to wait. However, we receive damage every day. Do you not know the time when the new system is set to be concrete? ( I'm sorry for my poor English…! )
We are from the Hikky board. We want to let you know the current situation at the board and we want to ask for your help. The board has been under ceaseless attack by some troll (or trolls), who is apparently a kenmo man, for more than 6 months. We reported about this here a few months ago and some of us reported about it somewhere else in 2ch, but the attack is still underway.
This is the snapshot image of the 17 newest threads created there and all of them are created by the troll(s). All of them are garbage threads. The situation remains the same since last year.
Hi Jim-san. My name is 削除大将. I am Deleter of 2ch and BBSPINK. Because I can not be English, use the Google translation.
Another two weeks or more also no longer get in touch with Jack-san. Since physical condition has also heard the story of the poor and we are worried that it might be what was there. Also, now I have to ask the re-issue of a Deleter cap, and there remains said to wait a minute, even in a state of much issue waiting. Several times nihon@ we send e-mail does not have exactly the reply. Virtually incapacitating is also as good of state since the Deleter cap can not be Remove report no. This situation has somehow wanted to break.
Look at this thread Thank you for those who have message to Jack-san. And Jack-san from there soon I was able to contact. I was relieved to have found that it is healthy.
>>262 True idols glow in their magnified personality when next to a normal human. The public knows when normal woman is thrust into the role of an idol. Of course Idolplus is not popular. The true feelings that people have for idols have to be natural, and freely expressed. This can't happen in a controlled environment.
How about starting from creating "foreignidol" or "worldidol", which handles all the idols except Japanese? American, European, Russian, Indian, Brazilian, Filipino...
And if the board will flourish and Chinese/Korean idols' threads become too numerous, we can consider splitting it to "asianidol" or something.
In general, it's hard to build a board from scratch. We often ended up in creating new unpopulated boards.
It is highly recommended that we create a new board only when an existing board becomes too crowded with two substantially-different topics. At that case, we can easily split it and get 2 successful boards.
I am using softbank it is Japanese Internet Service Provider(ISP). Last week, we were limited writing to 2ch through softbank ISP. It is because the bad user has write about child pornography, it is thought that the thing there is no way. However, ISP is to us to respond to this matter, the limit we are continuing
↑Three days before, report's 2ch management(R.I.P@報告人 ★) has sent a mail seeking limited release, not yet limit is released. Problems have already been solved, it can not be expected further developments. When asked to 2ch management, it was answered because Jim does not allow. Yet why limit is not being released? We do not know what I get another if you.
Hello Jim-san. Please make new board. Soccer, baseball is a popular sport in Japan. Women's Soccer board, overseas baseball board, Please create. Japan national team, he won the world tournament.
Please lose the function of compulsion end 0 by a ios game board. For example such as writing notes in end p from iPhone, please do. iosゲーム板での強制末尾0の機能を無くして下さい 例えばiPhoneからの書き込みなら末尾pにするなどして下さい
>>327 Please make “News Festival”in order to offer us the best board to ferment
There are some affair in the Internet which is called “祭り(festival)” In the “festival”, we,user want to do more constructive action, so please let us use TOR in the board.
Please make that and 2ch will restore and be the best community in the Internet!!!
>>327 There are quite a few new boards made on Nasu. Maybe some of these will be fun, others might not be used. Let's see. 僕は鯖なすで新しい板を作りました… 多分大半は遊休だけど、たぶんたのしい。 時がたてばどちらが正しいかわかるでしょう。
I need proper titles for them to place on the menu. 日本語を話さないので、 タイトルが欲しい それでメニューに付ける
Surely some will overlap current boards, but the idea is to freshen up the place. 複写のことは軽い、BBSPINKはたのしいになりたい。。。 Let's make it fun and fresh...:D BBSPINKはたのしいになりましょう I will put them on the menu when we have nice titles for the boards. Please help me. タイトルはおしえてください!!!
>>349 Let's avoid making the lorita and lori boards. There is a very heavy law coming to Japan. That won't effect a text board like Pink Channel, but who wants to encourage that kind of uploading, etc? The other suggestions are great. Really great. Let's get these current boards done. Then we can make a Hitozuma board and bigtits board.
>>362 I remember taking the train to Nagoya a few years ago. A rather plain looking woman got on the train and sat across from me. Opening her bag, she pulled out the tools of her trade. Over the next 45 minutes, she transformed herself in front of me. Turning into a lovely creature that seemed to have butterflies for eye lashes rosie cheeks and lips. She exited at the main Nagoya train station. It is amazing what make up has the ability to do for women.
Because the most of the level to become the Troll problem to occur in 2ch are the income sources which are Ronin use, I may not lose it, but is a limit not necessary soon?
Because the feeling that I write in the function of the Ronin, and is damaged by regulation evasion and the discount thinking that the log acquisition is Maine, and others are discount in the past is strong
・I display ● without exception if I put up a thread with a Ronin ・When I put up a thread with a Ronin in succession in a short time, I break down in number of the uniformity or more (The cancellation is a report system) ・When I write large quantities with a Ronin in a short time, I break down in number of the uniformity or more (The cancellation is a report system) ・Discount increases so that the period of service of the Ronin is long ・The sale of the type stops for one month until a limit such as the above is considered to be it
Hello, Jim-san. Sorry for my poor English. I have run a 2ch matome-site. I saw this page. https://www.2ch.net/matome.html Currently, the setting of many BBS is "BBS_ARR=checked". I want you to invalidate BBS_ARR.
Reprint is permitted. There is BBS_ARR=checked. This is inconsistent. User misunderstand.
>>432 I think there is a problem. BBS_ARR=checked This setting is described is "Reproduction is prohibited".
This is an example of the name field and the thread title. 名無しさん@転載は禁止 = Anonymous @ Reproduction is prohibited. スレッドタイトル [転載禁止] = Thread title [Reproduction is prohibited]
Modification of logs is prohibited. "Reproduction is prohibited" It is the rule to reprint, including this character.
The current state of the 2ch log. Everyone I think that do not comply with the rules.
I think with the following proposal is good. 名無しさん@2ch.netが権利を有する = Anonymous @ All rights reserved. スレッドタイトル [2ch.netが権利を有する] = Thread title [All rights reserved]
In 2ch, there are 2 bbs about idol master(video game and Japanimation). (game category:'aimasu' / comic category:'idolmaster') But there are still many threads of idol master in many bbs. (especially 'gal' bbs in game category...about 70 threads) Sometimes we offer discussion to move all threads of idol master. However, nerds of idol master have very arrogant and savage attitude just like trolls. (in niconico=smilevideo, that is same) They never discuss and repudiate the opposite opinion because they regard themselves the masters of bbs. Discussion and negotiation never work.
Because of that, I'd like to ask a favor of you. You define 2 bbs about idol master 'aimasu' and 'idolmaster' as jails of nerdy trolls. So it gets possible to move and isolate all nerdy trolls outside of 2 bbs about idol master there.
To notice that, sentences should be added following;
"Posting topics of idol master is STRICTLY PROHIBITED in this bbs." "If you want to do that, you must move to bbs 'aimasu'(game category) / 'idolmaster'(comic category)."
But there is a serious problem. There are no adjusters in 2ch. No one can add sentences to local rules now. If you can do that, all nerdy trolls are isolated to 2 jails and peace will come back.
I'm sorry in machine translation. We are in trouble in 2ch bugs. Thread list will be destroyed by this bug.
The thread which is not updated. The thread which stopped. Those threads are displayed at the top. Thread list is destroyed. Hot thread does not appear in the thread list.
>>459 By using "<soko>", we can drop off the thread created by bloggers who want to reproduce contents illegally. They create theads for copyright laundering. We cannot cool down the thread without "<soko>". Are you going to support "matome bloggers"? I'm disappointed.
Please forgive for my rudeness. 2ch-operators doesn't function well as you know it, so I had to contact you directly. I'm sorry for suddenly contacting you, but I beg a favor of you, to stop a user who has been flaming YouTube-board for about 5 months. That is on "Syamu_game" threads and built many threads at random. (definitely more than 30 built it) His purpose is to make us uncomfortable. And I think that act is a nuisance to the whole YouTube-board. We can't ignore/block that, because he changing ID many times in order to acting sock-puppets. We kindly talked him to stop flaming, but we found it impossible to persuade him. He should be banned forever. Please forgive for my rudeness, I had to contact you directly.
>>459 than kyou remove soko and shuffle comands On this 2-channel BBS, which gives everyone the right to remain anonymous on condition that they are to make legitimate statements, Mango is again building and implementing the SLIP command, a function designed to damage anonymity. There are some bulletin boards already equipped with the command. SLIP is unchangeable, thus highly disadvantageous. For details of the SLIP function, click here: http://info.2ch.net/index.php/BBS_SLIP Could you please advise Mango to do away with the SLIP function as well? Thank you.
Hi Jim-san. Mango Mangüé's missing for a few days. I heard a rumor that he was expelled 2ch. The reason is because he made a big mistake. The rumor is true?
Please look at their threads.Arasi attacks this threads everyday by fill in this threads. We make new thread every time Arasi has filled our thread,but attack of Arasi is intensifying day by day. Nowadays,Arasi fills two threads per day like their threads. We struggling with this Arasi,but There are no means to restrict Arasi. Arasi uses smartphone(docomo,changing IP Address is very easy),so "こらこら団" cant cope this Arasi. But,other deterrent is not working now.I beg you to please work something out.
(For example,how about reintroducing regulation to "vipper.2ch.net" for smartphone.Arasi used ronin previously. But when "viper.2ch.net" changes "vipper.2ch.net",regulation for smartphone was removed and arasi stop using ronin. Probably Arasi does not use ronin now,because there is no nees to use and if using ronin,Arasi's ronin will be terminated functions by "こらこら団". If reintroducing regulation,Arasi cant avoid using ronin,Arasi hard to act with risk maybe.)
>>510 Jim-san. >>507 This head.txt, There is a deficiency? Six AKB sisters groups BBS was founded. Guidance to each BBS has been appended to the head.txt.
The name of the "嫌儲" is something that Hiroyuki was named in the harassment. For this reason, it has issued an opinion that attempts to change the "嫌儲" in the new name from ancient times until now. Previously, you said, "you must put together everyone's opinion. When it is finished, please tell me." Therefore, I will post a thread that summarizes all of the opinion here. I will post here the results of the vote thread. The new name, we have taken from the phrase popular person. Mango Mangue is also seems to love that person.
>>459 than kyou remove soko and shuffle comands On this 2-channel BBS, which gives everyone the right to remain anonymous on condition that they are to make legitimate statements, Mango is again building and implementing the SLIP command, a function designed to damage anonymity. There are some bulletin boards already equipped with the command. SLIP is unchangeable, thus highly disadvantageous. For details of the SLIP function, click here: http://info.2ch.net/index.php/BBS_SLIP Could you please advise Mango to do away with the SLIP function as well? Thank you.
Hi Jim-san.Thank you yesterday. I am an opinion same as >>519, too.I translate it.
Please apply ID and SLIP to all boards in manager authority. If Jim-san can ignore the self-government with a word of "the quantity than quality" like gcomic, other boards will do the same confusion in future.Please avoid confusion.
SLIP will shrink population. to shrink population is easy, but to grow population is difficult. Because bad measures is easily noticed by people in 2ch, but good measures isn't noticed by people outside 2ch.
Hello jim-san Being good that I put a SLIP A user comes to decrease by it but the quality rises People needing 2ch will win through up to the result truth
2-channel originated as a website of anonymous bulletin boards. Looks like you consider the desirable policy for 2-channel users would be to put quality before quantity. But even the concept of ID was absent in 2-channel at first. To be sure, your policy may raise its quality, but even good-natured users will probably get tired of it because of its discomfort and leave.
The beauty of 2-channel is noise. Out of all that noise, users are supposed to discover useful information, saying "This post may be stating the truth!" or "This comment is interesting!" That's precisely the joy of 2-channel. I hope you'll realize that SLIP is a risky function that will cause even those good old posters from 2-channel.
>>501 Hi Jim-san, thank you for measures! However, there is sad one. Flamer didn't stop makes a lot of threads after measures. I think that he should be banned because he will not stop an flamer in future. Please confirm the thread which he made:
Hi,JIM-san ジムさんこんにちは I am a user of LoveLive! board( http://hope.2ch.net/lovelive/ ) 私はラブライブ!板の住人です I want you to change the setting "BBS_COPIPE" in SETTING.TXT BBS_COPIPEの変更をお願いしにきました
After that, we discussed about it and determined it should be reset for these reasons; ・Users feel unconfortable in writing responses ・Trolls dont stop their behaviors despite this regulation その後私たちはそれについて話し合い、以下の理由から元に戻すべきだという結論に至りました ・書き込みをするのに不便であること ・この設定がなされたにもかかわらず荒らしが続いていること
Hi,JIM-san こんにちはジムさん (http://anago.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/streaming/1445850946/ )It is of residents (http://anago.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/streaming/1445850946/) の住民です I want to permanently regulate the person who called template Gaige in this thread このスレでテンプレガイジと呼ばれる者を永久規制してもらいたいです He has a nasty vandalism how you hit with diene and find a less inconvenient 彼は都合の悪いレスを見つけると自演して叩く厄介な荒らし方をしています And recently he 's gone also will we How to it by just confusing and not a there 's not there when you guide the shelter because they confuse writing is allowed to residents to paranoia そして最近の彼は住民を疑心暗鬼にさせて混乱させる書き込みをしているため避難所を案内してもそこじゃないそこじゃないと混乱ばかりさせて我々はどうしようもなくなっています I want somehow permanent regulations because he is also trying to persuade the other can not be decent to talk もう説得しようとしても彼はまともに話が出来ないのでどうか永久規制してもらいたいです
Their purpose is to damage 2ch's free speech. There are two ways to accomplish their purpose. One is ARASHI that destroy a discussion that might write facts which they don't want to expose, the other one is to compel to change the system in which personal attack is easy. To damage 2ch's free speech means to damage 2ch itself.
>>654 That I know,but we are in trouble. Momentum will be distributed by the flamer make a mushrooming attrition. This is a troublesome than be diene. It is not to say that white regulation. Please take SLIP function to whether YouTube board. Now I think that it is a little can be status quo relaxation. Please help YouTube board&#8252;&#65038;
I think you're amused to see reaction probably by moving the exaggerated plate set in the large plate of human. Could you care directly so as to stop the prank?
As far as the individual exchange, it does not become only to be useful rather than confusion and interfere with 2-channel. Should prepare a man to listen to more human story.
Name of a prefecture disappears from a sender name now. It is caused by the fact that setting "BBS_JP_CHECK=1" disappeared from "http://wktk.2ch.net/steam/SETTING.TXT". What is the reason that change? If it is possible, please put it back.
Hi Jim-san. 加えて荒らし対策強化のためBBS_SLIP=checkedの許可もお願いします。 We need you to change the setting "BBS_SLIP=vvvvv" in disappeared from "http://wktk.2ch.net/steam/SETTING.TXT".
We only want Jim-san to return "SETTING.TXT" to an original state now. We have not yet finished the argument about >>698. Therefore, >>698 is unnecessary yet. We push forward an argument about "SETTING.TXT" here "http://wktk.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/steam/1441362895/".
>>707 Jim-san, Much BBS has the trouble that some setting disappears from "SETTING.TXT". Our request is >>697. Please return "http://wktk.2ch.net/steam/SETTING.TXT" to the original contents.
>>502 Sorry,maybe I cant understand second sentence particularly "interfering with the current settings". You say that If you change current settings to cope with this Arasi,you can help me but will be trouble for other user of this board,dont you?
It is true that regulation for docomo will upset docomo user. But this regulation will not bring a bad influence to other user of vipper,nay,it might please other user of vipper. Because they fed up with ease of change of ID; ease of change of ID,nothing regulation and nothing new effective regulation give a sense of security to Arasi. I think current settings encourage a sense of security to Arasi and good environment for Arasi. (by the way,these days you abolish number of bytes limit when we post res. I have more difficulty that filling thread becomes easier...)
Hi, Jim. You can ignore the words of nurdy trolls. aimasu should belong to game category, because it is for video game. idolmaster should belong to comic and anime category, because it is for animation works. (you can see Idolmaster both game and animation) But nurdy trolls want to murge 2 boards with their egoistic will. They did meaningless vote, but it has no pursuasion to abolish bbs aimasu. They dont't know it changes themselves Idlemaster, not Idolmaster.
hello jim-san gcomic board users the ID is unnecessary. Because a note decreased sharply the users had drunker delete ID. Everybody is satisfied with the present state. Please ignore >>729
>>733 My staff is currently working on potatoes. When the gardening is done, I will look at this. Sorry for the inconvenience. >>734 Actually I can't think of a reason for not having ID, unless sock puppeting is encouraged.
Having ID is useful to reduce the number of times of writing. I write comment very carefully in 2ch having ID. There are many comments that I wrote on my computer but didn't write in 2ch.
The name of the "嫌儲" is something that Hiroyuki was named in the harassment. For this reason, it has issued an opinion that attempts to change the "嫌儲" in the new name from ancient times until now. Previously, you said, "you must put together everyone's opinion. When it is finished, please tell me." Therefore, I will post a thread that summarizes all of the opinion here. I will post here the results of the vote thread. The new name, we have taken from the phrase popular person. Mango Mangue is also seems to love that person.
>>735 > I can't think of a reason for not having ID, One of the reasons is that having ID reduces the number of times of writing. >>736 says positive view of the reduction. In negative view, having ID discourages users from writing comments.
>>697 Jim-san Could you consider >>697 again? Apparently we are troubled with many trolls after you changed it (not to display prefectures). We will be very happy if you changed back (to display prefectures).
>>745 Bad comments are also good ones in brainstorming. One person has many characters in their mind. It's a good thing that people reveal them freely in discussion.
>>749 You'll see what happens when allowed to write anything freely without restrictions. It's a hell flooded with trash. We need to remove them or hide them by applying NGs for our own good, if we can't moderate ourselves.
We only want Jim-san to return "http://yomogi.2ch.net/asaloon/SETTING" to an original state now. We have not yet finished the argument about >>741. Therefore, >>741 is unnecessary yet.
Why did you stop to introduce BBS_SLIP=vvvv YouTube thread? This flamer (>>681->>686, >>686, >>689, >>691, >>692) was a thread stopper. Please regulate this flamer.
>Jim I've got a nice idea. Why don't you make new board 'ogame4' at net-game category and isolate DragonQuest10 manias there? Because there are too many threads of DragonQuest10 in ff bbs.
>>775 It's a good idea, But ff board is not only DragonQuest10's threads. Recently, many smartphone game's threads are increasing. What about new board 'ogame4' for FFDQ online? (ff board is offline game only) .
Hello Jim-san. Sorry for my poor English. FFDQ offline game are new games coming soon. For example,DQbuilders,heros2,FF15,DQ11,FF7remake etc. Many people coming ff board. It is okay to have a new board 'ogame4' for FFDQonline. thank you.
July 2000 bigining ff board is all offline games.(all dragonquest and final fantasy series) FF11is a netgame,not match ff board,they use 'ogame' board.. also FF14 is a netgame,they used 'ogame' board.voluntarily
3 years ago,dragonquest10(netgame) release. they using ff board. many thread,many people has come. old works(offline) threads are losing ground a little. still more,some smartphone games release,ff board is likely to overflow.
DQ10's players and old works players are needs more wide space. (They are on bad terms with each other a little). please new board 'ogame4' or 'DQonline'.
ff board users population does not reduce. new releases takes care of support.
>>762 That server will be upgraded very soon. Let's look at that closely after the upgrade. Let's try vvvvv until the upgrade is complete. Maybe it will be good.
Please look at the data of the above. The day you introduced the ID, is November 15. Please look at the next day. Number has considerably decreased. Because you have the ID of. From this fact, ID of the I find to have been wrong. So it should be an ID to the NG.
>>787 Come on, please judge based on objective data. Of the ID became busy to contribute to the number of posts increases NG is a fact. Many people has disappeared due that you have the ID of.
>>789-790 Somebody earns the number of the replies by self-playing and taking mound consecutively, and there is not a meaning even if somebody evaluates it. Nonsense. Are you an idiot?
>>787 According to the wiki page of Syamu_game(*1), the residents of that thread had already emigrated to ShitarabaBBS(*2) on 11 Nov. The res >>762 was probably a scam.
JIM san, please ignore the opinion that white introducing SLIP. We do not need a SLIP. because white introducing SLIP to http://hello.2ch.net/wcomic/ is a complacent opinion it is not in our opinion.
>>802 No. It change. In not having ID, only one comment is personally attacked. In having ID, ID is personally attacked. Ignoring personal attack is difficult in having ID.
Before another much of the following board strange people will stay a lot . At the plate I had seen There are troubled people who would fill the thread to say like pussy and penis with copy and paste . Therefore not approaching people Despite the current popularity of the cartoon title thread .
Posts from the smart cell phone can not be addressed because the ID is changed many times . However, we can not see them with their own if SLIP = vvvvv.
Jim , >>819 has a selfish behavior. SLIP is what should be considered is the introduction to the original discussion by inhabitants. But >>819 has been action by unilateral thinking of yourself without discussion. Please ignore the fact that you say >>819. We are not in need of SLIP to http://hello.2ch.net/wcomic/.
>>821 Non,non, Because autonomy of that board are those that do not function . Behavior of Drunker and mango has had to lose the authority of self-government . Right?
In http://hello.2ch.net/wcomic/, somebody maked so many fatuous unrelated threads, and bring about compressions of board many times. Because of compressions, a lot of proper threads were disappeared. Making fatuous thread was stoped in period of BBS_SLIP=vvvvv. But after that, it's reopened, and still continued.
>>822 Is anything nor autonomy your actions. It wants me to quit to try to place a nuisance to us with selfish thoughts. You just want to introduce the only SLIP rather than have to act in order to improve the wcomic board. wcomic board is not your thing.
Jim , SLIP is not required. assertion of >>822 is unreasonable.
anime4vip is for users who want to talk about animation with ID. asaloon was used to be for users who want to talk about animation without ID. They could choose their right places. Various boards give us a wider choice.
JIM-san, Happy Birthday to you. Would you do us a favor, maybe tommorrow if you have time?
Although I don't know if you know this spammer, he contines to post hundreds of spams everyday for more than a year. He speeded up and start to post more spams lately. It seems he started to use ●(Ronin) since he exceeds number of set posting limits.
Could you stop his ronin account, pliease? I think there is no place to ask for it in pink channel (I know there is a place in 2ch for that purpose)
Is Jim's care like, this plate residents by writing malicious vandalism has trouble now, thank you the introduction of BBS_SLIP = vvv http://hello.2ch.net/voiceactor/
Hello. Jim-san. Please listen to our wishes. akb board. http://mastiff.2ch.net/akb/SETTING.TXT BBS is not available on smartphones. Can not be posted. IP address of the smartphone is restricted. In Japan is a very large smartphone users.
Now of 2ch is lawless district! Attendant to regulate is not he only one, moreover, because they are not resident. Please be more to increase the staff to regulate.