895 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2015/12/11 (木) 15:36:49 ID: oYFgbLEx
Hi, Jim-san.
I looked at stats of http://potato.2ch.net/streaming/ closely and
found that "vvvv" lost as much unique IDs(-31.3%) as total posts(-36.8%).
I think that "vvvv" is an overkill and should be stopped.

Counts of unique IDs

11/01〜11/14 Average: 4286/day
3982, 4065, 4373, 4219, 4467, 4562, 4391
4650, 4304, 4389, 4246, 4038, 4058, 4254

11/22〜12/05 Average: 2946/day (-31.3%)
3401, 3188, 2983, 2993, 2953, 3174, 3177
3663, 2580, 2417, 2629, 2777, 2542, 2772

Counts of total RESs(posts)

11/01〜11/14 Average: 9782/day
9307, 8965, 10439, 10696, 10229, 10913, 10921
11628, 9507, 9720, 8825, 8161, 8212, 9431

11/22〜12/05 Average: 6191/day (-36.8%)
7762, 6837, 5882, 6027, 6380, 6722, 6910
7248, 4302, 5411, 5930, 5830, 4910, 6520