768 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2015/11/15 (土) 18:41:18 ID: m6MgaZW2 >>757 The ID of April 2014 "asaloon" has declined. There is data that becomes the basis. That is the following. ↓↓↓ http://merge.geo.jp/history/sboard/asaloon/ Are you find that the number of writing is depleted. So, please ID to NG.
784 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2015/11/16 (日) 13:01:51 ID: m6MgaZW2 >>782 The ID of April 2014 "asaloon" has declined. There is data that becomes the basis. That is the following. ↓↓↓ http://merge.geo.jp/history/sboard/asaloon/ Are you find that the number of writing is depleted. So, please ID to NG.