777 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2015/11/16 (日) 09:10:21 ID: ydWUVyf9
It's a good idea,
But ff board is not only DragonQuest10's threads.
Recently, many smartphone game's threads are increasing.
What about new board 'ogame4' for FFDQ online?
(ff board is offline game only)
778 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2015/11/16 (日) 09:12:35 ID: ydWUVyf9
Hello Jim-san.
Sorry for my poor English.
FFDQ offline game are new games coming soon.
For example,DQbuilders,heros2,FF15,DQ11,FF7remake etc.
Many people coming ff board.
It is okay to have a new board 'ogame4' for FFDQonline.
thank you.
780 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2015/11/16 (日) 09:58:32 ID: ydWUVyf9
Sorry I'm fogot it.
Then. 'ogame' is FF, and 'ogame4' DQ only…?
783 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2015/11/16 (日) 12:10:02 ID: ydWUVyf9
I'm from ff board.

July 2000 bigining ff board is all offline games.(all dragonquest and final fantasy series)
FF11is a netgame,not match ff board,they use 'ogame' board..
also FF14 is a netgame,they used 'ogame' board.voluntarily

3 years ago,dragonquest10(netgame) release.
they using ff board.
many thread,many people has come.
old works(offline) threads are losing ground a little.
still more,some smartphone games release,ff board is likely to overflow.

DQ10's players and old works players are needs more wide space.
(They are on bad terms with each other a little).
please new board 'ogame4' or 'DQonline'.

ff board users population does not reduce.
new releases takes care of support.

I thank you for reading it through.