Hi, Jim-san.
I would be very happy if you took notice to >>796.
(Please forgive me for my rants below.)
It had been arranged that the people who had been using YouTube board's Syamu_game thread would move to Shitaraba BBS. And actually almost all of them moved away by November 11th.
Due to this, I believe that YouTube board's transformation (BBS_SLIP=vvvv) that was done on November 17th according to those peoples' accumulated claims should be reconstituted.
In the first place, Syamu_game thread had no decent reason for existing within YouTube board because except for a few exceptions, there was not even a single video link.
Thus, if they were to return, once again bitching about the settings, this time without paying attention to their (in actuality very few indivisuals') selfish claim, how about you try recommending using Kenmou board?