132 : フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. : 2009/07/16 (水) 03:57:14 ID: +7eNgGnJ0
> Are you insinuating that I am making a huge profit off
> of the backs of the Japanese?
I am not interested in your profit, even if you are making a huge profit off
of the backs of the Japanese.

I think the reason why you are not trusted by many users of BBSPINK is >>103.
It is too abstract what you said for us, and we cannot understand them well.

In addition, be careful.
Because most of Japanese are very earnest, they translate your black-jokes
to the worst meanings with hatred.
133 : フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. : 2009/07/16 (水) 04:23:24 ID: +7eNgGnJ0
まぁ、Pink Floydは天才というよりも神憑りだな。

OK. I ask you.
What is the problem in BBSPINK that you recognize?
135 : フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. : 2009/07/16 (水) 05:02:37 ID: +7eNgGnJ0