178 : 名無しさん@ピンキー [sage] : 2009/12/15 (月) 01:52:57 ID: SNcqRGedO
Thank you for >>177.

By the way,when you go to the office?
and,what is the skill that only delete you?

have a good day!!
179 : 名無しさん@ピンキー [age] : 2009/12/15 (月) 04:33:29 ID: SNcqRGedO

×:what is the skill that only delete you.

○:do you have the skills to remove only you?
181 : 名無しさん@ピンキー [sage] : 2009/12/15 (月) 06:09:13 ID: SNcqRGedO

thank you very much!

Please teach if there is necessary insufficient informathion.