Pres made January "awareness month" because it's the month the nation will find out Pedogate is real
Yes, there's no reason NOT TO SAY "All 5 passengers were British nationals.
It was written as he's the sole exception which is the only thing that sends up my pedo radar here
An 11 year old with a bunch of foreigners? Sounds like a pedo party plane. What better way to have total privacy?
Sarcasm is read as literal by a large majority of people
You might want to at least add Kel or ; at the end, otherwise your point will not be made & you'll likely draw hate
Save yourself the trouble of having to say "I was being sarcastic"
It is hard to resist
That's right. Jesus is here to get $h¡+ done
Not to wear burkenstocks & sing Kum ba yah
EVERYBODY… and I mean…EVERYBODY is choosing their own fate. If you can't live & let live… then you can't live
It's THAT simple. MYOB, respect people, advocate for those who need it or GTFO
Nice trips