Q graphics 4-6 missing from bread.
See #302 dough:
News to put in bread:
Sessions challenges loophole in immigration cases
http://thehill.com /homenews/administration/367731-sessions-challenges-administrative-loophole-in-immigration-court
Trump team, GOP leaders, go to Camp David
https://www.cbsnews. com/videos/trump-team-gop-leaders-retreat-to-camp-david-to-discuss-2018-agenda/
11 Saudi Princes arrested
https://www.rt. com/news/415160-saudi-princes-protest-arrest/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=RSS
Trump stands by Sen. Paul's plan to fund infrastructure with suspended aid to Pakistan
http://www.latimes. com/politics/la-pol-updates-everything-president-trump-commends-sen-rand-paul-after-he-1515214635-htmlstory.html
Damn it.
https://8ch. net/thestorm/res/3995.html#q4706
Get CM to confirm Q posts made on /thestorm.
C!Odemonkey. ☯ 8chan Administrator 01/06/18 (Sat) 10:58:05 1fb886
Based on the access logs, which I had to carefully go through just for this - and this alone, I can confirm this is Q (>>>/thestorm/4706), using his verified tripcode.
Anyone baking?
Q said he wasn't going to post using the same ID. Q did go on to post in other boards to ask CM to confirm him.