one for you
partial to the comic versions as not seen most of the marvel movies..they just sort of don't do it for me.
still have a lot of original comic books out of 70's early 80's
did see the first guardians of galaxy which was ok
so that was you the other night.
Fabulous job
thought it was doc until he told me it wasn't
>pay little attention at night to who is in/out
>Thereโs something really wrong Iโm thinking, with the materials or something idk.
think it's just a question of no one wanting to enter a shit-storm in progress or a little fear of screwing up in public
like yesterday when the dual breds and note bunz done at same time.
hardly blame them though-not very easy when everyone (plus the standard one today who, yet again, decided they know everything-the constant complainer with the 2 others who come in)
BTW "it" (without naming) can't help itself and continues that parade
any suggestions for a swipe you would want?
just a little hint will suffice-can go on that
kind of on a mental block at present
leaf just eat a fucking dick and crawl back to your hovel
not wanted in here
>Too bad, bc, WTF, really?
totally agree-I honestly think a certain % of the anons treat it as entertainment and really do not get this below
>We're fighting for the survival of freedom
it's as if it is just an extension of soc media.
some of the posts now are just retarded-I say very little as it's free-speech and not muh job to police it but it is quite frustrating when the overall concept of "hey this is it or we all get screwed" is totally lost on some
also have my fun (because if you don't well you know) so don't think I'm a prude either.
no worries.
so full of shit.
you have no idea what you are talking about ever
go back to general and jerk off there
>btw, have we ever seen frkln here?
not overtly identified a mystery for sure
not throwing accusations but it is certainly perplexing
watch all of this in the morning and anoon, the night not so much
had an imposter you today if not mistaken after you took kitch
as usual you have nothing but bullshit
you are sooo lucky I leave you alone in general
you wouldn't know what hit you
it does help (and keeps the dough from being tampered with moar) but no one system or protocol is going to solve this-nature of having volunteers.
contrary to what several think
when you least expect it leaf
cute stunt yesterday with your shitty ass notes
if you actually did a decent job..but you seldom do that with anything
oh for sure leaf
i get a check from Xi personally signed.
We tight and all that-in fact want to talk to him?
i'm gonna wait on that.
It is most likely a personality thing I mean look what the gerbs do?
leaning towards innocuous at this point-but that may change if it continues
since I'm in the back not much to do about it so it's basically interpretive for anyone but youz guise got to deal with it front and center so I understand the need to get it solved
See the offers all the time
A bit disappointing that no one wants to do it-you pretty much go out of your way to do this.
i did see another note taker today and they used the 'muh collector' meme so they exist.
I threw them some love-I didn't want to do it as was just heading off for rest.
I'll try to have some each week (the least I can do) unless it gets heavy use-it certainly has in the last two weeks.
Timing out at just about now till after the dinner rush
jmo it's pretty much a toss-up between you and doc.
Nothing but ease and grace from you both (and the rest too as I've never had a cross word from or with any of you) don't want to sound like a douchenozzle
But it is 100% true
that I know off-could be a different story as non-baker related discussions
best time of my life that is for sure and glad to share it with all-wouldn't have it any other way
early on there was anon who said don't mess with sdanon (before all this stuff) in the morning.
pretty easy going untilโฆ.
I still throw memes w/o talking just to let you all know I'm there-by now you know them pretty well.
Dammit baker I can't be expected to tell you the contents of this 3 hour video and 500 page pdf that is on a chinese website that I vpn'd to get to.
muh honor to contribute and most importantly learn alongside.
You've all allowed/supported this (the wingman) part to exist and grow.
For that I am truly thankful
said the idiot who chopped off own dick
give a whole new meaning to Muh Dick!
gotta have fun with it
plenty of time for being serious.
one final question for the note bunz
I do tag the dough in every bun dropped but stopped linking the bunz together within the single bred
they are all tagged to the d'oh though
do you want this again?
I noticed doc doing it a few days ago-tying the buns together within the bred
roger that..can see why.
used to tie them all together to OP bred, d'oh and note bunz-a BV came in at one point(want to say Feb 2019) and asked for that to be done because it was still under the old sys and they did not know what I was doing (totally understood)
as long as they are on the d'oh that should be fine.
I can do them moar if that's what is needed or wanted
learned the rgb method so have always been 3 and 6
but now mebby a better idea to space it three times?
not as prescient with muh role but what say you?
have always done that. no way to know who doing what if not done.
I do need to be a little moar overt when saying I have the notes covered.
yesterday at least three anons were asking who had what..even the memefarmer said "are you having fun larping with the others?"
It was not tied to the d'oh then and doc and I talked about the break in prior bred.
had a little fun reminding them it was not a new thing to have baker break but the organized note bun should have been a helluva clue when compared to what dickless was dropping.
I'll adjust based on speed now. Just don't want to be "it's got to be this way"
I'm also not chasing drops now but used to just put them in the bun at bottom-this is when I figured out this rig/connection sucked.
he is special sometimes. Love what he does but another sort of up own ass at times-not shy about telling you what they know but fails to get that some may know this and perhaps moar.
as mentioned I'll take into account speed
ty for your continued appreciation
even when I did the first drop in the late ghosted bred-this was last year-no one saw it or took them over until you came in and went back to get it
I would wake up and look and go WTF? they had at least one drop to ebake with!
I was staying up way too late then to make sure there was something to work with but also learned that when the bun doesn't get tagged you've done the job right.
jump in here
These are the same ones (3 total but usually been 1-2 recently) who come in later and complain about anything and everything.
Rips on "namefag" bakers etc-someone even put that in notables a few days ago and then when I said WETF is this doing in the bun said "they forced me too"
They must be PST (that where i am) as they are about an hour behind me. They try to impersonate Doc too at first-did it today after he already had the bake.
Do it to wnb by throwing the current bins
I think it's hilarious but don't have to deal with it in an upfront way like they do.
has moar of a gerbily feel to me.
Leaf just plain stipid but could mebby pull it off occasionally
for a second there I was "it's BAAACK"
positive they did those threads or at the very least was the ringleader-had to have assistance with all that
When all that LP was posted got busy reporting it-could get them held to about 5-6 posts before it got yanked-did that for 3 breds then I got tired.
>they force me too
that was the response I got back-want to say sat night and it was a shat crumb too.
it's like rainman-mix it up a bit and try to fool us but no.
I actually wish I didn't know some of this but this many hours a day you have to be good at it right?
I don't know who was bakin as I was on/off in the later part of muh afternoon about 330pm pst Saturday and a crumb with the "namefag" bakers-you know the drill by now-appeared prior to the dough. This was then put in as a notable.
When asked why it was in, that was the response I got back and it was late in that bred.
Was leaving anyway so was not around to continue on it
>anons only able to report 3 maximum
was able to get about 13-14 global reports in and then it said you've done enough.
I stopped but then tried again a few minutes later-did it until it said same thing.
This went on for the 3 breds
Don't know why or how it allowed that many.
this is just me spitballin' but I've often wondered if they "allow" some things with regards to that.
expected to get banned during notables creek-kept waiting for that but no.
If ever there was a time that was going to be it.
I still kek at the Winston Wolfe role.
"I solve problems"-a bit douchey but I had fun for sure.
seems general is a mess
gonna go scrape 12684 for notes and then call it a night
I enjoyed it as I always do
favorite part of the week
notes for #12684 dropped in #12685
and I'm out for the night
Goodnight muh brutha's
throwing this pastebin
on the current baker asking for a handoff
this is baker on dough bins
ty for the gy 411