My answer -
You'll never recognize RM at first, possibly even for the first 2-4 posts. He has a face that can be extremely charming.
Then, he'll flip instantly, or slowly degrade into pic related. My advice, coming from a lot of experience baking with him around is to 'do not engage'. EVER. He gets worse if you do, he doesn't stop, then you've to spend your enjoyable baking sesh arguing and defending. He's just not worth you raising a finger for.
There will be anons in the thread to fight your corner. Let them deal with him and you concentrate on doing your best baking ever.
Idk. I just ignore all negs and address based, respectful anons. You will know them by how they talk to you.
Don't know if you know this, but if you're wondering about anyone, copy their UID and do CtrlF. Quickly run through their posts. Tells you a lot about whether anon is anon or otherwise.
Nice! Thanks Rusty. Awesome.
That's brilliant. Yes, I thought about it, but wondered to where. I thought about a TY channel as well. Idk. What do you think? Where did you upload yours to, MEGA?
I wanted to work on all the materials some more, refine them, add any little bits that come along (like the green links for example), and when ready, along with the Notables, Timing, Tips & Trips module. I haven't started on that yet. The incredible work you've done collecting material can be the basis for it.
If you're up for it, we could start to put together some material and I could make slides and videos.