I suspect the definition change was for legal resasons, and not just for clinical reasons. What is the legal framework that "allows" forcing manditory vaccinations on the people? Did it involve the old definition and the new"vaccine" didn't fit the legal definition? So, a new definition to tie up loose ends and make it all….kosher?
It's easier to push through increased regulations on crossbows if you create a need for increased regulations on crossbows. You know, like suddenly a few people use them for violent means. ZOMG! DEADLY CROSSBOWS!!!1!
Anyone who falls for that doesn't deserve "freedom."*
It's actually liberty. And, no. liberty and freedom are not synonymous. Freedom is absolute. Liberty is conditional.
Old skool conspiratard.
He claims people who look remotely the same are the same. Classic example is when he claimed TrutherGirl Sonia was really Tina Fey and that Tina Fey (and TrutherGirl Sonia) were really Sarah Palin.
Whenever I see a claim on the web about someone really being someone else I immediately think DallasGoldBug and facepalm.