Truth Seeker ID: 7f148e Dec. 28, 2021, 10:42 a.m. No.7882   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7884 >>7885 >>7917




you 're able to criticize him here.

Some people like him

What is your argument?

Is it suspicion? Fear?

Or is there more than "it looks like a cult"?

It a way of blaming someone by saying

"I'm not allowed to criticize him"

And that's supposed to prove something.

He has a massive number of haters; whyever would you stay away from them?

They would hear you.

We're pretty gratful to their family since they pay for our platform here.

If you prefer to lack free speech go to another platform which isn't owned by CM 's father?

you are free to insult them. you know that right? And they are paying for it?

What is your ambition?

CM wants to go to Congress.

So yeah, people get followers and money in order to do that?

Do you want to join a monastery? What's your thing?

Truth Seeker ID: 7f148e Dec. 28, 2021, 12:40 p.m. No.7986   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7987 >>7991 >>7998 >>8016 >>8204


Read this this morning

Interesting take from a Rabbi


Way smarter than the "Hate Jew" fucks

Well, isn't he?


"The promotional department of public health, namely the news, has this headline from a few hours ago:


Israel Bird Flu Outbreak Could Be 2022โ€™s Deadly Global Pandemic


The threat of a pandemic that kills 50% of people infected. The WHO claims that of 863 cases over 19 years, 50% died.


That is calculated to really scare people. Even those who are not scared of something with a 99% plus survival rate. So scary that people won't even wait around to see if anyone dies from it before they surrender.


I have been arguing from the beginning that people should not make the argument that restrictions, lockdowns, people avoidance, masks and testing, are unnecessary or wrong because C-19 only has a small chance of harming people. I said that's a mistake because public health will just claim a "pandemic" that harms or kills some, most or all people. And voilร , that's what they are presaging now.


The shock and awe will be so great that many of the very doctors and scientists you relied on to back up your common sense that the public health revolution was wrong, will suddenly say, "Well, this new pandemic is a real threat. How can we go about normal life with something in the air that kills 50% of the people?! Hide out. Stay apart. Go get tested!"


That's why I warned - don't base your liberty on what doctors and scientists are saying. Because even (or especially) they can be scared by a threat so "great" that they will be afraid to say that liberty and normal human life is perfectly all right. By putting any doctor or scientist (even pro liberty) and their thoughts in charge of the outcome of your life, you are surrendering your liberty to another human being.


If not even one doctor or scientist is willing to say that there is nothing dangerous in the air, where will that leave you?


ing program for their employees?

Truth Seeker ID: 7f148e Dec. 28, 2021, 12:41 p.m. No.7987   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7991 >>7998 >>8204


I have said from the beginning that my position on liberty, on communal and family gatherings, on economic activity, on breathing, human gathering, and travel, are based on what G-d Almighty directs us to do, and would remain unchanged even if the public health papers reported a disease or a threat with 100% fatality.


Back on 11/25/21, I wrote:

The public health officials will definitely keep people in fear about danger in the air and from other people in order to promote their global testing infrastructure and quarantines and they may call it anything - new variants, Covid 21, smallpox, ebola.


Rand Paul actually spoke about a "next virus" with 50% mortality during examining Dr. Fauci. So that makes Rand Paul part of the problem, because he promoting the idea that there could be some even deadlier danger lurking in the air. Focusing on the alleged lab theory, Rand Paul is ascribing power to the scientists to create something so powerful it could put civilization at risk! Rand Paul is actually laying the psychological groundwork for the next "pandemic"!


What may happen is that there will be some "super dangerous" "bio warfare" danger that even the people arguing against the covid narrative will fall for and then most people will just surrender to the public health measures, may G-d protect us.


The brilliance of smallpox as an option is that many people who against the Covid shot say they are in favor of shots in general so nearly everyone will agree to a mandatory smallpox shot, something which was tried, but was impossible to accomplish, 120 years ago.

You can see that they are floating many ideas at the same time, smallpox, ebola, avian flu, and variants to test which are the ones to play up the most as the new pandemic. Or maybe all of them. How much better will it scare people if it can be claimed to be lab generated. I don't know which of these they will push the most, but there may be multiple simultaneously or consecutively.


As I have warned repeatedly, Bill Gates declares that the main priority now is the building of a global testing infrastructure in which every person is tested at least every five weeks for C-19, variants and other threats. He has correctly announced everything in advance so pay attention.


The public health officials don't really need anyone to die from any pandemic - there just has to be enough fear to have the people scared into constant testing. We are already seeing it now with the latest variant. Once people agree to be tested, as tragically many who are trying to avoid the genetic code injection have agreed to do, they are locked into the testing and evaluating system.


So this avian flu at 50% fatality would be a perfect excuse to ramp up the testing infrastructure.


To survive this, we need to double down on our common sense, which is a gift from G-d Almighty. We need to triple down on our connection to G-d Almighty and then we will not be prone to fear and looking for other people to save us.


With blessing,


Rabbi Smith"

Truth Seeker ID: 7f148e Dec. 28, 2021, 12:44 p.m. No.7991   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7998 >>8113 >>8195 >>8227 >>8374 >>8388



"Don't flinch at threats of a 50% fatality pandemic"

Massive New Bird Flu Outbreak Could Be 2022โ€™s Deadly Pandemic

(about the latest move to terrify people)

The year global health went local

(about Gates)



So grateful for your service.

You're honored


It's also cool we have free speech here and the shill, under those conditions, are impotent.

It feels so good

Just think, that was why you served and that will never be forgotten


I have a hard time voting myself, under these conditions.. been that way since W. Bush had all the comped machines installed 20 years ago, in each State.

Spreading the word of what's been happening is the most important to me, since I feel like a dupe if I vote

The dems who controlled the polling place were snickering at me, with their tlittle smirks; as they directed me to the machines reserved for Republicans.


I'm so outnumbered. And the ones in my neighborhood are really dangerous.

I tried to join and "Audit the Election" group as started nation wide by Seth Kessel

And I want to go forward with that.

He has good ideas and a good system of step-by-step what-to-do

He knows what he's doing and has a great attitude. Very inspiring.

You have to be a black pill to be able to analze what's going on with an open mind; but i want to stop them from winning by ruining my attitude.

I can see that after seeing war one would just want to rest, and leave everything up to other people. Yeah, people who saw war deserve to rest. And shouldn't have to worry about voting. If it makes them feel dirty to vote (understandable) then let it be.

If the word gets out to enough people of what's going on, the vote will be righteous.

Everybody has a part to play. We're a team.



Wow Fascist Haters are so desperate; looka that!

They're getting paid , but still

Would try to avoid ever even knowing people like that, let along being one.

ug. maggots.


Maggots really smell bad

Don't you think the whole FBI / C A needs a massive De-worm


The maggots are the Shill Muh Jews

isnt' that funny how BV admitted it was a Muh Jew when it declared that phrase verboten?


BV is a maggot ; ruined his reputation, now what?

"Rest in Piss"?

Truth Seeker ID: 7f148e Dec. 28, 2021, 1:23 p.m. No.8044   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8055 >>8061 >>8067 >>8071 >>8097 >>8109 >>8113 >>8195 >>8204 >>8227 >>8374 >>8388


Muh Jews should go back to their own board.

They aren't wanted here

They and their Leader the Dirty Onion BV is why we migrated here.


What does this remind me of?

At least one of my ancestors ~400 years ago had to flee Europe because of the same ol same ol Deep State,

(it's biblical)

and what the hell happened?, they followed us

Just like the Muh Jews here.

(They think we are unaware of who they are and who they work for;


It's quite transparent who they are.

and they are quite stupid,

These evil people can never be graced wtih true intelligence, which only comes from Grace.

They have to chase us down, try to terrify us,?

they try ot, but it's a fail on our new board,

as it was in the past before BV usurped the Admin position,


They know what's coming, and fear us.

but they are stupid.

So chase us down here which reveals them.

If they had truth they could stay on their own board.

As it is with their lies and hate they drove the normal people away.


The King Savior was murdered by these same people and they dare to blame it on us and on "Da Jews"

Or is it now the "White People?"

(Sometimes they forget their script because they are confused and stupid to start wtih)


They are so afraid of the Jews, who stood up to them in the "Roman Times" and fought them for Freedom.

That they set up Jews as fall guys everywhere you look.

They are terrified of Jews ; also because Jews are smarter than them

So they use them. And set them as a sheild or buffer before themselves, as a diversion.

They are so afraid of Jews they have to make sure we are smeared with their Jew Hate, which has nothing to do with us.


The need the optics.

which they are poor performers at.

They make up for it with the strength of their signal; which is massive world - wide, yet they fear this little band?

Well don't that.

Is that part of what "Q team" implied.


though repetitious and stupid without help , a corrupt BV โ€ฆ..

it's a total rout


They spend a lot of money to defeat those who know their secrets / i.e crimes.


Light has so much more power than dark; there's absolutely zero contest between the two ; So a teeny tininess bit of light terrifies them..?. cause they know truth carries a spark which can catch on;

(I'll have to look up "spark" in the Q coms?)

once a spark of knowledge is lit, it will spread.of its own

Darkness doesn't spread of it's own; it has to be pushed and forced.

But you heard Pedo Joe make the incantations about Darkness this Winter? because they want people to be convinced that Darkness is spreading?

He's such a fucking lame PR man.

Welll isn't he?

They even game the polls but they're still coming up 22% would vote for thim again?


We're going into the light portion of they year. Light will continue to grow and spread.



Truth Seeker ID: 7f148e Dec. 28, 2021, 1:34 p.m. No.8061   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8097 >>8204



They need the optics.

but are poor at obtaining that

Think of Joe as their front man?

Their goals are confused.

Chinese want us to feel debilitated so forec in a PEDO SENILE who SHIT HIS PANTs and can barely read a script; thought that's what hs whole career was based upon (and bribery and plagerism)


But on the other hand they want us to be Propogandized about Darkess and all the Evil that will befall us.

but use Joe to try to bring that message


Ridiculous Bidan

Truth Seeker ID: 7f148e Dec. 28, 2021, 4:07 p.m. No.8204   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8210 >>8211 >>8227 >>8374 >>8388






Ironic since their tests are bogus.



Hitchens was a Snitchins, just sayn'



judge is comped. forgot the detail of whether

she was male?


muh jews aren't free speech

they are spam

No one bans them, but they cry as if they are persecuted.

perfect mirror there.

"They hit someone and cry out in pain they are being attacked."



Committee is crooked.

the Epps guy is a FED / provocateur

He was on the job.

Only the normal Trump people were arrested

Cause it was a Sting


I told them they would be patsy and they didn't listen or my voice wasn't strong enough,

The Provocateurs and the (ANTIFA who were there doing the same as the FED and FBI provocateurs), would never get in trouble.

how could anybody miss that?

I saw that on the day.

Totally obvious

And it was confirmed by two whom I spoke with

I saw some ANTIFA leaving.

How could anybody be ignorant of all that by now?

don't be dumb

Truth Seeker ID: 7f148e Dec. 28, 2021, 4:31 p.m. No.8224   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


They have free range , no one allowed to criticize, over at Qresearch

Did that work out for them?

It's still there waiting

They should go back

But we know why they don't because they are fake.


they should go back if they need a place, where no one can talk back, in order to make their case?

Truth Seeker ID: 7f148e Dec. 28, 2021, 5:23 p.m. No.8274   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


won't go there

They are making so much lucre for their sell out, they're probably high as kites.


The military guy who tracked down "AJ" let it slip that "AJ" problems could be drugs.

(as an explanation for his fuck ups)

He's just a fuck up but could be on drugs.

Truth Seeker ID: 7f148e Dec. 28, 2021, 5:57 p.m. No.8291   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8293


I think it's supposed to conect with Vikings or Right-Wingers or something

"Flag Wavers"

maybe crazy "conspiracy theorist"?

Maybe they want people to ban it

If they guns, folks would still have crossbows

How do you take a cross bow to a gun battle?

They look formidable.. create fear.

Truth Seeker ID: 7f148e Dec. 28, 2021, 6:52 p.m. No.8307   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8311


Wonder why they get actors who are death - fakers to promote their Propaganda?

There are better videos on this , than this one; but I'm unsure what happened to it

The speaker here mentions "GoldBug" who imitates this kind of research but makes it absurd and wrong to deflect.

The opinion her is that Goldbug is controlled by "AJ"

Goldbug's vids were promoted on YT and this ones were banned and supressed


"Aj" puts the "mocking" into "Mockingbird"