Shit's gonna probably hit the fan in Poland. Locally, nothing with much of an impact on the world I guess.
Why in Poland? Well, PiS is destroying our economy by implementing all the social welfare programmes (500+, 300+), which also destabilise the society, as the lower class generally is absolutely dependent on those programmes. And not for the reasons those programmes were intended to make people dependent, for fucks sake, most families use that money to pay for their booze and cigs or shit like electronics. So, when the economy goes to hell and there is no more money to continue the welfare bullshit, the lower classes will overthrow the government by sheer amount of people there are in the lower classes of the society. We probably gonna become the next Greece after that. Or possibly something even worse.
And no, EU won't help us, they don't give a shit about us. It gon be a failed state sooner or later.
And (((they))) seem to know it's all going downhill. (((They))) are semi-secretly passing a bill to take our guns away, as scarce as they are anyway, covering it up by creating a huge buzz for MSM, to make them busy, so the masses don't see what they're up to.
Sooner or later, fellow polanons, we are going to be knee deep in shit.