>recent chimpouts in Sweden
Chimpouts all over the planet right now.
An AR15 for home defense is fine. I'm not familiar with the laws of Swedes, but a 10 round mag is similar to California laws in the US. If you get a California compliant AR, you should be fine. There's another product called the "Kali Key" that will turn your AR from semi-auto to bolt action in case your laws get even more cucked.
A 12 gauge shotgun is usually a popular choice for most civilian home defense. Shotguns don't get cucked by laws as often as semi-autos either. A Mossberg 500 with a tube extention and a shell in the chamber gives you 8 rounds on the ready. You can buy a tricked out shotgun with tactiCOOL camo and other neat shit for around $400 USD from stores like Bass Pro or Cabelas.
More important than the weapon, in my opinion, is the ammo. An AR uses 5.56 and the shotgun uses slugs and buckshot. In a home invasion scenario, a 5.56 round runs the risk of pass through, ie shoot through bad guy, pass through the wall, pass through into neighbor's wall, pass through kid doing homework, etc. A pass through isn't very effective at stopping a target. If you plan to go with an AR, it's imperative that you use hollow point ammo for maximum stopping power on bad guy and maximum safety for everyone else. On the other hand, a 12 gauge shotgun blast of 00 buckshot at close range in a home is absolutely devastating. It will be messy and likely blow a hole through your wall too, but that's it. The buckshot travels at a much slower speed than a rifle round lowering the chance of pass through and meaning that the target absorbs the majority of the kinetic energy from the shot.
Here's a fun ballistics gel test.
Five more points that I'd award to the shotgun is, first off, it's reliability and quick target acquisition. You don't have to worry about being pin point accurate with a shotgun like you do a rifle and you're less likely to have any jams or malfunctions. AR's are reliable too, but some are finicky with the type of ammo you feed them. Not so with a shotgun. If you can rack the shell, it will go boom. On the note of accuracy, shotguns are better at hitting an "area target" than a rifle because of the multiple projectiles in a shell of buckshot. If you're ever attacked by a mob of angry monkeys, a shotgun is better suited for "crowd control" purposes. Another selling point of the shotgun is the versatility. You can buy different ammo, chokes, and barrels that will allow you to go from home defense to bird hunting to hunting deer. Lastly, it's a lot easier to get a license and registration for shotguns. "OI, MATE! You got a loicense for that BOOM STICK?!"