Chewing a gum when hungry or instead of food intake in general makes your brain recognize it as actual food and make stomach produce acids and stuff which can cause some serious problems like gastritis as they have nothing to digest. A small snack or energy bar is a lot better, having a drink can also help.
Anon, you don't just post these thing anonymously on an imageboard, you make such a deal personally, preferably with a person you know and trust. Wearing meme shit might help you, just like it would help you being white, though if you're going to be shot at, it'll likely from the distance from which you can't see these things. Better just make some contacts beforehand, find a group, friends that will be useful and not cumbersome, do not be that way yourself and do not listen and reply to the sperg. The best scenario would be for at least one of your group to have some hideout that is far enough and secluded and easy to defend and stock most supplies there, as well as train or at least plan the order of things.
Honey is good, sugar is fine, bees are better. Honey is good for not only shelf life but for keeping other food in it(like jerky) and treating woulds. Sugar is easier to use and couples with wider array of foods, though, imho.
5k is pretty good supply for 1 gun(10x less if full sized bolt action), 2-3 times as much for full auto, 30k+ is too much unless you have a machine gun or some shit, though i'm not sure how useful it would be for defending a house, probably not very. More precise numbers should depend on the round in question, your location, availability of ammo, safety of your area, etc. If i could, i'd keep at least 10k of intermediate or half as much depending on what gun i could pick(assault/battle rifle) in my rural home but some murrican might go with a lot less. If you have an apartment in a big city then more than basic amount for the first time like ~200 handgun is enough, unless you know what you're doing well. Also rarity of the ammo - if you're going to be using even something like 6.5 grendel you should get more than you would with 556.
These are actually great choices for black powder conversion, in case you run out of ammo/powder during SHTF, so you can run more than 10 rounds through it even in AK. How much do black powder firearms last before becoming inoperable and needing cleaning?
Will they break though? It's basically a lever that manually cycles the action manually the same way you'd do it with your basic semiauto, why'd it break if it's properly designed? Especially since you'll likely be shooting less with it than you'd with full fun or even just semi.
Well, these aren't actual pump actions like the ones you see in shotguns or rimmed cartridge carbines. It's basically the same action as semi auto, except your gasses are cut off and your charging handle is on the front. I imagine that's an extremely easy conversion that can be performed on almost any gas operated rifle with little tools and engineering.