>good redpill for the normalfags
Nah, it wont redpill them. Normalfags will stay as normalfags as long as the reality they are experiencing doesn't drastically differ from what the authority figures are saying to them. Normalfag will be completely satisfied if someone shits on his plate as long as television tells him that this is to be expected and that this is perfectly normal state of affairs, and that there is nothing to worry about.
Strip all these authority figures away from his life, and suddenly normalfag will start thinking wethever or not it really is a good thing that there is fecal matter on his plate instead of blindly following and doing what media and officials are telling him to do and think.
I don't think there is any such scene really. Sure there's some individuals, and people outside cities may or may not use common sense regarding preparations for abnormal conditions. Various reservist-units probably comes closest to anything resembling a prepper-scene.
Yeah it's same language group.