>Your exo suit loses containment when it's hit with the main gun from a tank
Congratulations, at that point even if you have absolutely no intent of irradiating the area you've just given your enemy an opportunity to claim that you're using radiological weapons. Your allies just condemned you, probably broke their treaties/agreements with you, nobody is trading with you, your war economy collapses, you just pulled several neutral powers into the war against you (to stop your insane and illegal use of WMD's), and you're praying that your enemy doesn't decide to respond with their own stockpile of the nasty stuff.
You're at the point there where unless you've got a platoon or so of 40k Emperor Titan tier warmachines it's nowhere near worth the risk. Then again even with titans it's a shit deal, as you're begging your opponent to nuke them as it's the only realistic counter we've got to something like that at the moment. Exoskeletal suits aren't going to do anything more than let construction workers lift heavy weights in places where they can have a permanent connection to a power grid.That's useful and kinda cool, but until you can put together the kind of battery that might as well be magic they're not going to have any use outside of that.