Strelok ID: f1c355 June 24, 2019, 11:31 p.m. No.680865   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0906 >>0928 >>1319


Trenches have completely ruined warfare. Wars are meant to be fought with large, organised, blocks of men engaged in carefully managed maneuver war. Instead it's gay little holes in the ground filled with muddy, depressed, Shell Shocked, poets while their commander sits down in a chateau hundreds of kilometers away drinking fine wine and getting fat on steak without ever seeing the battlefield.



>Exosuits adopted not to improve survivability, flexibility, mobility, or lethality

>Instead it's because a 4 star general wanted to buy an extra 75kg of shit per soldier

Don't even meme it.

Strelok ID: f1c355 June 25, 2019, 9:10 a.m. No.680921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0925 >>0928


Ogg think stone ruin fighty time. Fighty time supposed be punch and kick and even bite. Instead fighty time now just berrypicker throw stone at Ogg! Ogg get back from kick bear in balls until bear die but then Berrypicker throw stone at Ogg and take bearmeat while Ogg not awake from when stone hit head! Ogg hate berrypicker! Ogg hate stone!

Strelok ID: f1c355 June 28, 2019, 3:21 p.m. No.681497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1500


At that point why not just make a bigger mule, mount the power source and the hardware and ammo it needs for several automated weapons on it, and just send a few thousand of them out to break through enemy lines and kill anything that doesn't have a friendly transponder signal. You could even put heavier armour on the killbot than you could on the suit.

Strelok ID: f1c355 June 29, 2019, 2:06 a.m. No.681563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1583 >>1585


>Your exo suit loses containment when it's hit with the main gun from a tank

Congratulations, at that point even if you have absolutely no intent of irradiating the area you've just given your enemy an opportunity to claim that you're using radiological weapons. Your allies just condemned you, probably broke their treaties/agreements with you, nobody is trading with you, your war economy collapses, you just pulled several neutral powers into the war against you (to stop your insane and illegal use of WMD's), and you're praying that your enemy doesn't decide to respond with their own stockpile of the nasty stuff.


You're at the point there where unless you've got a platoon or so of 40k Emperor Titan tier warmachines it's nowhere near worth the risk. Then again even with titans it's a shit deal, as you're begging your opponent to nuke them as it's the only realistic counter we've got to something like that at the moment. Exoskeletal suits aren't going to do anything more than let construction workers lift heavy weights in places where they can have a permanent connection to a power grid.That's useful and kinda cool, but until you can put together the kind of battery that might as well be magic they're not going to have any use outside of that.

Strelok ID: f1c355 July 4, 2019, 9 a.m. No.682453   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2454


>Imagine what would happen if you used early Cold War AT and AA weapons against a force equipped with tanks and planes from the First World War

It would be more like both sides in WWI trying to establish their airforces despite knowing that the opposition had modern tier radar and a Gepard equivalent posted every 500m or so along the front. You might be able to get some small benefit out of small units of incredibly well trained special forces tier pilots doing very very specific jobs, but it's not going to be anywhere near worthwhile for the cost.



>You know those powered suits that still don't work and are going to be defined by their limited battery life?

>Yeah, it'll be a huge improvement to cut their battery life even more with incredibly energetic acrobatics that stand a decent chance of injuring the operator.

Can you think of any reason this project wouldn't make the F35 look cheap and universally effective?

Strelok ID: f1c355 July 5, 2019, 12:28 a.m. No.682605   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Tsar bomb IED

The current price of antimatter is around $63 trillion per gram. Even if all of NATO clubbed together and pooled their military budgets they'd have a hard time justifying the cost of a single AM bomb.

>with their metabolism primarily sustained through matter-antimatter solenoid organelles

Surely something this metal should be powered entirely by diesel.



>What's it good for?

Helping defence chiefs and senior staff officers maintain an erection



>The government will win the arms race against the people again

Go deep innawoods. The support requirements of the suits are prohibitive and they'll have a hard time hunting you down in there. If that's not proactive enough for you then blendinto the civilian population, shut down their resupply with IEDs on the roads, and hit the power infrastructure.