Anonymous ID: 6ccc60 Nov. 30, 2021, 9:20 p.m. No.108895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8929

A D.C. federal judge on Tuesday ordered the Justice Department to release four unredacted pages of the Mueller report that describe who was investigated, but not charged in the special counsel’s probe into alleged Trump-Russia campaign collusion.


The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit found in favor of Buzzfeed and reversed a lower court’s decision to withhold the pages from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report that ultimately did not reveal sufficient evidence to charge former President Donald Trump with a crime.


The news outlet claims the pages have information on why an unnamed person, likely Donald Trump Jr., was not prosecuted for potential campaign finance violations. It also says the pages have details on people who were investigated, but not charged for making false statements, as well as insight into decisions that “appear” to relate to contacts between Mr. Trump and the Russian government.


“We determine after our own in camera review of the report that these passages show only how the government reached its declination decisions and do not contain new facts or stigmatizing material,” the 18-page opinion states.


Because the four redacted pages only have information that has already been made public in the report, the court wrote that the disclosure will not cause any “additional reputational or stigmatizing harm.”


“Disclosure would also show how the special counsel interpreted the relevant law and applied it to already public facts in reaching his declination decisions,” the opinion states.


The court also rejected the Justice Department’s argument that most of the report has already been disclosed and that Congress has released a substantial amount of information on the investigation.


“Those statements, in and of themselves, may be true but they are irrelevant to the fact that the special counsel’s legal analysis that led to the declination decisions has not been released and likely would ‘contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the government,’” the opinion states.


The court, however, did deny Buzzfeed’s request for additional parts of the report to be made public that the news outlet says likely contain information on the decision not to charge Trump campaign officials with foreign agent offenses.


According to the ruling, those “sections include new facts that would be stigmatizing” to people who have not yet been publicly identified.


“Of the individuals whose privacy interests may be jeopardized by disclosure of the requested information, only one is a public official. The remaining individuals are private citizens who served on a presidential campaign,” the opinion states. ..

Anonymous ID: 6ccc60 Nov. 30, 2021, 9:25 p.m. No.108897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8929

Bongino Show 11/30/2021

Ep. 1657 Disgusting Details Emerge In The Ghislaine Maxwell Trial - The Dan Bongino Show

The Dan Bongino Show

Published November 30, 2021 125,274 Views

Anonymous ID: 6ccc60 Nov. 30, 2021, 10:14 p.m. No.108901   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8903 >>8904 >>8923 >>8929

i told twtr company; (You) ALL heard me

banning customers is a stupid move for a company that needs users, duh

on the chess board, WE forced their position, no?

try harder jack, bring in the next obvious puppet haha

SEE the power of People working together?

ds knows and hisses

if they have no conscience, do they have fear or regret?

husks of what a human they could have been, not likely to please their Creator imo

i was there (well not like [them] but ignorant and stupid, unpleasing, lucky to have no power kek) once so i can't judge but dreaming the abyss might change a person

when a person knows then it becomes a test of Time i suppose

where does the energy come from, where do the words come from, where does the covfefe come from

i have Faith like a bird that has nothing for tomorw, yet has many tomorws provided

and we are the same in a way, bleeding red and loving Freedom

i don't care about wrong history by fake news and fake leaders

i don't care about scary futures

Right now is all i feel and based on the News and the mad Normies, i think People are starting to SEE the missing scale also

how many steps are Normies behind, esp 1s that believe cnn?

if we save them, will they save us with their Vote?

each move multifaceted for best results while teaching others to teach others is exponential power

play the game perfect like the Samurai's last move surprising enemy B4 death (figuratively; have to say it for acosta or he will run with it)

Honor draws the sword cuz of evil attacking, Honor replaces the sword when evil subsides

if [they] have the sword evil strikes the People w the sword like open borders and Afghanistan

information warriors take Night Shifts watching for other tyrants and slithering swamp creatures

information war: block info, distort Truth

counter: bypass msm, remove distortion ]dig meme PRAY[

work together, support each other, don't buy from fake companies that prefer china

impeach recall expel protest peacefully biden camela nancy schumer schiff swalwell hirono feinstein to start with will change everything once they are removed

remove all dem leaders and RINOs together; United is the only way

Together WE win, divided WE fall

why does fake news and fake leaders divide US?

Anonymous ID: 6ccc60 Nov. 30, 2021, 10:52 p.m. No.108907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8909 >>8929


use empathy to know them, then use what you know about them to help them SEE mayb


>A lot cannot get past the fact that "officials" can lie to them.. that doctors or politicians REALLY DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THEM..

if they cannot get past the fact perhaps give them so many facts it is undeniable; of course Normie-ize the presentation for them so they can understand

many 1st attempts are failures; how long did it take the Wright Brothers to learn to fly, how many failures?

how many times will we fail to get thru to Normies?

Anonymous ID: 6ccc60 Nov. 30, 2021, 10:54 p.m. No.108908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8910 >>8929

it's almost like if they are wearing mask and lining up for vaccines, they don't get yet

counter: various efficacy mask reports AND constant reporting of vaccine injuries?

Anonymous ID: 6ccc60 Nov. 30, 2021, 11:09 p.m. No.108911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8929


>chiseling on these normies is all you can do..


work on the ones closest i suppose (saves travel time kek)

you have nice mask examples

also the mask example i say is 'if i was smoking could you smell it w that mask on?'

usually they jus blink(s) kek

i think we have to pick up the pace re vaccine info out because they are going after the Kids


kek, Lincoln must have had to deal w fake news like Trump back then to make a statement like that