Anonymous ID: 9ddf8d Dec. 9, 2021, 3:57 p.m. No.110409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0412 >>0415


The “Webpage is using too much memory/resources” lil alert below the address bar in Safari is because pages like this one and Twat are auto refreshed so it’s constantly polling for new and pulling new data which your Max dedicates a moderate amount of processing to and places priority on. 128gb RAM is overkill af but boss af kek. Mac Pro apparently, a purdy penny indeed. The mentioned above remove all modules tip is a great way to go as well. I recommended bootable usb wiping clean and install from it, but if you’re not able to make usb or know how, you could always do Network or Recovery install while wiping internal. Power off and while booting up before Chime hold CMD + R or CMD+Option+R for recovery boot, or; N or Option + N for Network Recovery. When loaded select Utilities and Disk Utility and select your main drive, and reformat/erase it. You can then Partition it into multiple drives to install other OS’s on that you can select to boot from ( by holding Option key during boot before chime until Boot Manager comes up with all bootable drives to choose from) also able to install Windows on one of desired, or just run it out of a VM whenever if needed from within your MacOS (that’s what I do) and would run A1 given VMs are RAM intensive, which you have more than enough of (I’m on my Mac 20/7 and only have 8gb ram with no issues)


Also a simple diagnostic you can run is holding D during boot before chime and it will go into diagnostic mode and run self tests. That should indicate if there’s a memory issue there as well. With crashes and whatnot I would think temp related issues could be culprit, may need to check out what the status is of your thermal paste or pads on your processor, Macs are notorious for using minimum amounts out of factory. You can check your Crash Logs by going to your Utility folder and select the Console app.


Again I highly recommend going to and downloading some helpful system apps (EtreCheck Pro, System ToolKit, BigSur Cache Cleaner, MacMagic, OnyX, Sensei, TechTool Pro 12, TinkerTool System, and prolly more I’m forgetting off top of head) will help diagnose and cleanse Mac. Will also indicate temperature of all drives/sensors and if overheating. That site is the grail of Mac sites IMO thst ive found.


Taking to Store is probably unnecessary if clean install is all that’s needed. I’d exhaust all these options prior and shouldn’t take much time or effort either. Good luck fren, and also thank you for everythinq you do for here as well as the movement.

