Anonymous ID: 46bdfa Feb. 13, 2021, 10:41 p.m. No.57288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7293 >>7295 >>7304 >>7315 >>7333 >>7433 >>7453 >>7464

>>52576, >>54345, >>54347, >>54349, >>54351, >>54345, >>52590, >>52576, >>52575, >>54783, >>54784 pb


Childrens Health Defense


February 11, 2021

Children's Health Defense: The Covid Vaccine On Trial: If You Only Knew…


The only one liable for Covid vaccine is you. - Mary Holland


I saw an online post today and it said, "We are drowning in information and starved for wisdom." That encapsulates where we are today on Covid-19 vaccination.


People throughout the world have been bombarded with information 24/7 for a year about Covid - lock downs, masks, vaccines and more and yet wisdom is in scant supply. So how has it come to pass that seven billion people on the planet are now being asked to take experimental injections of messenger RNA vaccines to protect against coronavirus. Let's just marvel for a moment at the idea that the human race rarely if ever has done anything together in lockstep and yet populations around the world are walking almost in lockstep towards COVID-19 experimental vaccination. This has only been made possible by a perfect legal storm.


I explained last year on January 30 at the World Health Organization announced a Public Health Emergency of international concern, the very next day the US secretary of Health and Human Services, Alex Azar declared a Public Health Emergency in the United States on March 17th. He retroactively declared that the impressive liability shield of the PREP Act would take effect January 4th.


The PREP Act or the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act is an extraordinary liabilities shield that Congress enacted in 2005 to protect manufactures, healthcare providers, and government planners from liability during a declared emergency for covered counter measures such as tests, drugs and vaccines. Today there are two Covid vaccines in the United States that the Food and Drug Administration authorized under the PREP Act. These are Emergency Use Authorization (EAU) products, the Pfizer Biontech Vaccine and the Moderna Vaccine. Let's be clear, the FDA has not approved these vaccines for a license. It has authorized their use having decided that they "may be effective" not that they are are effective, that they "may be effective" against this coronavirus public health emergency. But, there's a catch the FDA can only authorize proper countermeasures when there are no adequate approved and available alternatives. Many countries including the US, apparently have effective therapeutic interventions like Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc and other treatments that have been sidelined. Doctors research articles and news article advocating these interventions were censored. Could there be a connection between this uber suppression and the need to justify these vaccines as the only available alternative? This question deserves searching scrutiny. States even the U.S. Military may not mandate Emergency Use Authorization products. These products must be subject to consent and refusal. When military, years ago, tried to mandate EUA anthrax vaccines the Federal Court said "no" the soldiers could not be forced to accept experimental or investigational vaccines. The CDC officials have confirmed many times this year that state institutions cannot mandate these messenger RNA vaccines. Why? Because the U.S. has long upheld the first principle of the NUREMBERG Code that the consent of the individual is absolutely essential in any scientific experiment and make no mistake these vaccines are experimental.


So why would it be so advantageous to pharmaceutical companies governments and healthcare providers to have these experimental products be under an Emergency Use Authorization? Well, because bottom line they are risk free to these actors who are driving this operation - in practice completely, totally, extraordinarily risk free to them but not to you?




Anonymous ID: 46bdfa Feb. 13, 2021, 10:43 p.m. No.57293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7295 >>7333 >>7433 >>7453 >>7464


Children's Health Defense: The Covid Vaccine On Trial: If You Only Knew…


Here are the basics under the PREP Act if you are to be injured or die. You have to apply to a government administrative program the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program, not a court. You have to apply within a year if your injury appears 366 days after injection; tough luck, you pay your own lawyer. There is no hearing, if you loose there is no appeal, everything is on paper, nothing in person, no witnesses, no experts, no published decisions from the program, no reserved fund for compensation and this program will pay people based on compelling reliable, valid medical and scientific evidence and just how much of that evidence do you think exists today? Remember, the clinical trials for these products are still ongoing and both companies have already started to vaccinate the so called "control groups." Will there be any reliable and valid evidence on which to base compensation decisions anytime soon? I doubt it. At best, what we know historically this program has compensated under eight percent of all petitions.


So is there any way to get to a court to review any compensation decision from this tribunal? Well sort off. Let's say that you wanted to sue one of the manufacturers because you think they knew or should have known that the vaccine would kill your loved one, what would you have to prove? You would have to prove that the defendant had willful misconduct; which means the manufacturer intentionally tried to achieve a wrongful purpose, knowingly without legal or without factual justification and induce regard of known or obvious or say so great as to make it highly probable that the harm will outweigh the benefit. So that's already an incredibly high burden. Just to pile it on you'd have to prove this according to a standard of clear and convincing evidence, you would have to bring your case in Washington DC regardless of where you live, you would have to argue to three judges not one, with very little opportunity for discovery to get information. Here is the kicker - Health and Human Services (the very organization that authorized the emergency and the emergency use product), or their defense attorneys and the Department of Justice would have to first initiate an enforcement action against the manufacturers. Do you see this in your face conflict of interest, the very organization that authorizes these EUA products is supposed to pave the way for you to sue the manufacturer - with which it enjoys a very cozy financial relations. When hell freezes over, may be the out phrase here. The Federal government does have a passive reporting system that already wrapped up over 11,000 injuries and 500 deaths from these two vaccines since mid-December but we know historically that this system catches only a tiny fraction probably one percent of all vaccine related injury.


Congress didn't pass the PREP Act without opposition, twenty senators rightly called for its repeal, saying that the law could be used to allow manufacturers of virtually any drug or vaccine to escape responsibility for gross negligence and even criminal acts but worst of all commentators have observed that 'because liability for willful misconduct requires knowledge the manufacturers are actually incentivized to know as little as possible about the true risks.


So in three months of observation how much could the manufacturers or anyone else truly know about the long term adverse events or the effects of these vaccines? The answer is almost nothing. This new mRNA technology does not arise out of the vacuum. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the four biggest vaccine manufacturers Pfizer, MERCK, gsk, SANOFI have all been funding biotech firms including those manufacturing the Covid vaccines today looking for the next big thing in vaccine profits.


Please don't think for a minute that the push to vaccinate the world will be over with Covid-19. The leading biotech hubs with backing from the biggest manufacturers have over 65 mRNA vaccines in the pipeline. New vaccines are coming to countries near you and soon.


And just who are these giant manufacturers leaping forward towards the next great technology through this massive roll up? The big four, Pfizer, MERCK, gsk, SANOFI have all paid out over 33 billion dollars in criminal and civil fines for falsifying data, bribing doctors, and lying to the public, so here we are in this perfect legal storm with governments around the world pushing experimental, liability free, serious medical interventions, on all people including incredibly fragile and vulnerable people under the banner of safe and effective when both of those propositions are flatly false.




Anonymous ID: 46bdfa Feb. 13, 2021, 10:44 p.m. No.57295   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7333 >>7433 >>7453 >>7464



Children's Health Defense: The Covid Vaccine On Trial: If You Only Knew…


These vaccines are not proven safe they are experimental, meaning that their true safety is unknown - with that some people at the FDA believed that the benefits outweighed the risks. These vaccines are not proven effective they "may" be proven effective that is all. No one will have liability for what happens with these products but you. If something goes wrong, I use the acronym YOYO - you are on your own. Doctors won't likely know what to do if you are injured and there will be no compensation for you for loss of bodily function, lost employment or lost loved ones. It's your choice whether to take these vaccines. Please make it wisely. Thank you.


  • Mary Holland, General Counsel, Children's Health Defense




Anonymous ID: 46bdfa Feb. 13, 2021, 10:57 p.m. No.57304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7333 >>7433 >>7453 >>7464


Children's Health Defense

What does a "safe and effective" vaccine look like?

Hundreds of doctors and scientists have studied vaccines, their ingredients, and the physiological mechanisms affected by those ingredients. The following criteria, and the rationale for these criteria, are the results of their work. Vaccine industry spokespeople say vaccines are safe and effective. But are they?What Does a“Safe and Effective” Vaccine Look Like? A vaccine should be tested against a true placebo (inert saline). Prescription drugs are required to be safety tested against a placebo. However, vaccines fall under the category of “biologics” and are usually not tested against an inert saline placebo. For example, Merck’s HPV vaccine was tested against a dangerous aluminum adjuvant, which can trigger autoimmune disorders. A safe vaccine should be tested long enough to properly track adverse events including those discovered in post-approval surveillance. Known adverse events like autoimmune, neurodevelopmental, and chronic conditions can take months or years to be detected. Yet, most vaccines are monitored for side effects for a period of only two to five days, as stated on the vaccine insert literature. As an example, Merck’s hepatitis B Vaccine, given to one-day-old infants, was only safety tested for five days.

Experimental mRNA and DNA gene technologies should undergo years of testing before being used on the public.This mechanism of action for a vaccine has never before been approved.

There should be a minimum of 10 years of careful research before any such technology is used on a wide scale basis on the public.

DNA vaccines are designed to make permanent changes to an individual’s DNA.

mRNA vaccines have an inflammatory effect and could potentially lead to autoimmune events.

Vaccines should be free of mercury, aluminum and nano-metals.Hundreds of peer-reviewed studies prove mercury is not safe. There are no safety studies that show that it is safe when used in vaccines. Although mercury was removed from most vaccines, it is still present in multi-dose vial presentations of the flu vaccine.

Aluminum is a known neurotoxin which can induce neurodevelopmental disorders, brain inflammation, and autoimmune conditions. A two month-old child receives a single-day dose of aluminum that exceeds the FDA’s maximum allowable dose by more than 50 times.

Vaccines should be free of adjuvants proven to be dangerous, including but not limited to squalene, aluminum, and PEG (polyethylene glycol). An adjuvant is a substance added to a vaccine to elicit a stronger immune response. Squalene, one of many adjuvants used, was found to have harmful effects such as inducing autoimmune conditions and narcolepsy.

PEG is another adjuvant that can trigger a serious adverse immune response and result in anaphylaxis (i.e., severe allergic reaction or shock).

Vaccines should be free of bird, cow, pig, monkey and mouse viruses. Vaccines are often produced in animal serums and can be contaminated with viruses and retroviruses from other animal species. Many of these viruses, such as SV40 (simian virus 40) that contaminated some of the early polio vaccines, have been shown to cause cancer in humans.

Vaccines should be free of human DNA and aborted human fetal cell lines.Human fetal cell lines dating back to the 1960s have been used in vaccines for the last 30 years. An Italian study identified the presence of a complete, abnormal human genome of a male fetus in the MMRV vaccine. Some vaccine makers, in response to concerns by the Catholic church and other religious groups, have begun to phase out the use of human fetal cell lines in the production of vaccines.

Vaccines should be free of Radio-Frequency ID (RFID) bio-chips and nano-technology agents. The introduction of bio-chips and nano-technology agent by vaccine is a new frontier being explored by tech companies and military research agencies such as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Claims are they would create a communications interface between a person’s biology/physiology/psychology and outside technologies. No one knows the short or long-term effects.

Vaccine manufacturers should not have liability protection. A 1986 act of Congress granting liability protection to vaccine makers creates profitable incentives to rush vaccines to market and ignore potential safety concerns.Vaccine makers need to bear the primary responsibility and financial liability for ensuring that their products are safe. Vaccine injuries and deaths occur every day. The government has paid out almost $4.5 billion to the vaccine-injured through its National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, while denying two-thirds of cases.

Anonymous ID: 46bdfa Feb. 13, 2021, 11:14 p.m. No.57315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7321 >>7333 >>7433 >>7453 >>7464


"This question deserves searching scrutiny."


"These are Emergency Use Authorization (EAU) products, the Pfizer Biontech Vaccine and the Moderna Vaccine. Let's be clear, the FDA has not approved these vaccines for a license. It has authorized their use having decided that they "may be effective" not that they are are effective, that they "may be effective" against this coronavirus public health emergency. But, there's a catch the FDA can only authorize proper countermeasures when there are no adequate approved and available alternatives.''' Many countries including the US, apparently have effective therapeutic interventions like Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc and other treatments that have been sidelined. Doctors research articles and news article advocating these interventions were censored. Could there be a connection between this uber suppression and the need to justify these vaccines as the only available alternative? This question deserves searching scrutiny."

  • Mary Holland, General Counsel, Children's Health Defense

