Anonymous ID: ab2412 Nov. 11, 2020, 8:52 a.m. No.9487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9514





>>9474 Planefaggin

>>9483 Pres Proclomation on Vet Day 2020

>>9472 Frank Andrews: General Flynn Father In-Law

>>9470 Bill Ackman Shorts Over $20BN In Credit To Hedge Next Crash

>>9466 Avantor Inc. sold by New Mountain Capital: $893.49m-Nov 10

>>9465 HRC: Watch Jr.

>>9463 Nat'l Ass'n of State Election Directors needs diggz

>>9462, >>9464, >>9475, >>9482 CM on voting machine set up

>>9461 Bahrain’s long-serving prime minister Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa dead at 84

>>9460 NATO: We Will Remember Them, #ArmisticeDay

>>9459 Alaska was called for Trump.

>>9458 U.S. Cyber Command and the National Security Agency targeted Iranian hackers ahead of the U.S. presidential election.

>>9457 Hong Kong opposition quits legislature after Beijing intervention

>>9456 NC Senate seat GOP secured

>>9454 Fla: Fuck around in Fla and Find Out

>>9444 Potus twats



>>9486 Feel free to address all muh notable complaints to (((OSS))), who is one of the faggots here

Anonymous ID: ab2412 Nov. 11, 2020, 8:58 a.m. No.9488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9514 >>9552 >>9600 >>9642

Salute to Service


On this #VeteransDay, we pause to honor those who have worn the uniform of the U.S. military and dedicated themselves to preserving our freedoms. Thank you.

Anonymous ID: ab2412 Nov. 11, 2020, 9:19 a.m. No.9492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9514 >>9552 >>9600 >>9642

Nov. 11, 2020 — Joint Staff Spokesperson Col. Dave Butler provided the following readout: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley met withQatari Armed Forces Chief of Staff H E Lieutenant General Ghanem bin Shaheen Al Ghanemtoday at the Pentagon. The two leaders discussed the U.S.-Qatar bilateral relationship and reaffirmed their shared commitment to peace and desire to advance the interoperability and regional security cooperation activities between the two countries. Gen. Milley also expressed his appreciation for Qatar’s continued support for and hosting of U.S. forces. The partnership between the United States and Qatar is a crucial element to peace and security in the Middle East region.



Anonymous ID: ab2412 Nov. 11, 2020, 9:25 a.m. No.9493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9543



Election Day Water Main Break in Atlanta — Here’s What We Found…


By Joe Hoft


Published November 11, 2020 at 9:26am


What really happened in Georgia when the water main reportedly broke causing a delay the election counting in the state?


On election night in Georgia President Trump was running away with the Presidential election, then suddenly it was reported that vote counting had stopped in Fulton County due to a water main break in Atlanta.


According to CBS WVLT8 ballots in Georgia would not be counted due to a water main break:


Nearly 40,000 absentee ballots will not be counted for the state of Georgia until at least Wednesday after a water main break, Fulton County officials said.


According to officials, a water main break at State Farm Arena caused a pipe to burst. The burst pipe was discovered around 6 a.m. Counting of the ballots began at 11 a.m.


WVLT8 also released a statement from the Secretary of State related to the incident:


Tonight Fulton County will report results for approximately 86,000 absentee ballots, as well as Election Day and Early Voting results. These represent the vast majority of ballots cast within Fulton County.



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As planned, Fulton County will continue to tabulate the remainder of absentee ballots over the next two days. Absentee ballot processing requires that each ballots is opened, signatures verified, and ballots scanned. This is a labor intensive process that takes longer to tabulate than other forms of voting. Fulton County did not anticipate having all absentee ballots processed on Election Day.


(States like Florida count these ballots before the election and provide up to date results which enables them to provide final results on election night. Any state that doesn’t count ballots before the election when received so winners can be announced on election night appears to place ulterior motives ahead of transparency and timeliness.)


One Georgia resident, attorney Paul J. Dzikowski, attempted to obtain more information on the reported water main break in Atlanta. He sent a letter to and requested any information related to the water main break under the Georgia Open Records Act. This is what he wrote in his request:


Please accept this correspondence (and the attached letter) as a request for production and inspection of records under the Georgia Open Records Act, O.C.G.A. § 50-18-70, et seq. (the “Act”). Please produce, for inspection and copying, the following records:


• ALL “Public records” related to the burst pipe at State Farm Arena that occurred on or about November 3, 2020, which impacted the counting of ballots by Fulton County authorities, including and not limited to internal and external communications with any person(s), communications with Fulton Co. Board of Registrations and Elections, memoranda, notes, work orders, requisitions, invoices, repair records, and all other public records.


This request is intended to be as comprehensive as possible and should be interpreted as broadly as the law allows, in accordance with the Act, and shall encompass records in paper form and any electronic and digital format. I look forward to your prompt response as soon as the records are available for inspection and copying but in no event more than three (3) business days following your receipt of this request, as required by the Act.


In response the only public records generated as a result of the alleged “burst pipe” that halted the counting of ballots in Atlanta (Fulton Co.) were a few text messages. These messages were with the Sr. Vice President of the Atlanta Hawks, Geoffrey Stiles, who called it a “slow leak” that was “contained quickly,” and he said the entire thing was “highly exaggerated.”


No repair orders or work orders or invoices from a plumber associated with this “burst pipe” were provided. Nothing.


Dzikowski also filed a similar request with the Fulton County Board of Registrations and Elections which resulted in no records being located per their response.


What really happened on election night in Atlanta and what was the real reason they stopped counting tens of thousands of absentee votes until the next day?

Anonymous ID: ab2412 Nov. 11, 2020, 9:27 a.m. No.9494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9495 >>9514 >>9552 >>9600 >>9642

Deutsche Bank Proposes A 5% "Work From Home" Tax


At a time when the Fed is already monetizing the entire US budget deficit thanks to helicopter money, sparking conversations about the utility of taxation, and when a Biden administration is set to at least try and roll back most of the Trump tax cuts, the last thing the population wants to hear about is even more taxes.


Yet in a "modest proposal" from Deutsche Bank, the bank argues that in a time of pervasive covid shutdowns, "those who can work from home (WFH) receive direct and indirect financial benefits and they should be taxed in order to smooth the transition process for those who have been suddenly displaced."


In other words, the argument goes that working from an office is somehow punitive, and since WFH during the pandemic leads to "many benefits" as a resulting "disconnecting themselves from face-to-face society" a 5% tax for each WFH day "would leave the average person no worse off than if they worked in the office." The bank calculates that such a tax could raise $49bn per year in the US, €20bn in Germany, and £7bn in the UK. "That can fund subsidies for the lowest-paid workers who usually cannot work from home."


In the report written by DB strategist Like Tumpleman, he argues that the popularity of WFH was growing even before the pandemic: "between 2005 and 2018, internet technology fuelled a 173 per cent increase in the number of Americans who regularly worked from home. It is true that the overall proportion of people working from home before the pandemic was still small, at 5.4 per cent based on census data, but the growth was still way ahead of the growth in the overall workforce."


Naturally, the covid shutdowns have turbocharged that growth, and as a result the proportion of Americans who worked from home increased ten-fold to 56% during the pandemic. Many of these people will continue to work remotely for some time. Indeed, two-thirds of organizations say that at least three-quarters of their staff can work from home effectively, according to S&P Global Markets. Meanwhile, a DB survey shows that, after the pandemic has passed, more than half of people who tried out WFH want to continue it permanently for between two and three days a week.


This sudden shift to WFH means that, for the first time in history, "a big chunk of people have disconnected themselves from the face-to-face world yet are still leading a full economic life" as if that is somehow a bad thing.


It gets crazier: the bank claims that working in the comfort of one’s own home leads to a slew of financial benefits including:


-financial savings on expenses such as travel, lunch, clothes, and cleaning.


-indirect savings via forgone socializing and other expenses that would have been incurred had a worker been in the office.


-intangible benefits of working from home, such as greater job security, convenience, and flexibility.


There is also the benefit of additional safety.


As if it is difficult to find someone who also sits in front of a computer all day long in Bangladesh and has the exact same skill-set but would work for a fraction of the pay.


Yet those people who are working remotely are, according to DB, the equivalent of social parasites as they "contribute less to the infrastructure of the economy whilst still receiving its benefits" potentially extending the slump in national growth. In other words, the mere act of working from home makes you guilty of not propping up the economy!


That, according to Templeman "is a big problem for the economy as it has taken decades and centuries to build up the wider business and economic infrastructure that supports face-to-face working. If a great swathe of assets lie redundant, the economic malaise will be extended."


In short, those who failed to develop the appropriate skill-set and are "forced" to work in society - mostly employees of service companies - and who were unable to refused to educate and train themselves to be able to "enjoy" the benefits of work from home jobs which incidentally include sitting in front of a computer for hours on end and in some notable cases masturbating in front of a zoom conference call, have to be rewarded monetarily by all those who are lucky enough to not have to work in public.


While it would be easy to laugh and merely brush this idea off as another ridiculous policy proposal from a bank whose very existence would be very much in question had it not been for several rounds of generous taxpayer funded bailouts, since this is yet another grossly socialist proposal we are concerned it has a very high probability of passage not only in Europe but also in the US, especially if Democrats manage to pull of a "Blue wave" sweep in Georgia in January.



Anonymous ID: ab2412 Nov. 11, 2020, 9:41 a.m. No.9500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9504


I took it personal and all

you nose I likes muh finan stuffs

I'll hang back


our westie stormie, lost power for a min, surge alerts, water near top of seawall, storms clear for now, be wakes out ridin in that shit

Anonymous ID: ab2412 Nov. 11, 2020, 9:45 a.m. No.9502   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rudy Giuliani Confirms “Dominion” Whistleblowers Are Coming Forward


Rudy Giuliani reportedly confirmed today that Dominion software whistleblowers have stepped forward.


This is exceptional news.


The Gateway Pundit has been covering on the software problems in the US election for several days now.


Rudy Giuliani joined Steve Bannon on Wednesday they have witnesses from Dominion who stepped forward to testify.


Rudy Giuliani: Coleman has the community people and he’s got the Dominion people. And they were the ones who were the actual, not poll watchers, the actual observers who were excluded, who were lied to, two of whom stayed behind after all the Republicans had left out and they’re the ones who got the evidence of the 100,000 votes coming in. And they have some photographs also.

Anonymous ID: ab2412 Nov. 11, 2020, 9:47 a.m. No.9503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9514 >>9552 >>9600 >>9642

JUST IN: Florida Gov DeSantis Introduces ‘Anti-Mob’ Law, Allows Citizens to Protect Themselves from Rioters


Gov. DeSantis wants to expand Stand Your Ground to allow for 'anti-mob' legislation | Just The News

Anonymous ID: ab2412 Nov. 11, 2020, 9:49 a.m. No.9506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9514 >>9552 >>9600 >>9642

Sullivan Wins Alaska Reelection, Bringing Republicans To 50 Senators


Republican Dan Sullivan was projected to win the Senate race in Alaska, bringing the GOP to 50 votes in the upper chamber after CNN and NBC both called the race shortly before 10 a.m. EST. Trump also easily picked up Alaska’s three electors with 57% of the vote.


According to Bloomberg, Alaska was called late because state law required local officials carefully examine each mail-in ballot before counting could officially begin on Tuesday.


Sullivan defeated Al Gross, an independent who was backed by national Democrats in their effort to flip the seat. Gross is a former orthopedic surgeon and commercial fisherman and is the son of former Alaska Attorney General Avrum Gross (D). According to The Hill, the loss marked another state where Democrats failed to unseat Republicans in seats seen as closely contested. Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) all won reelection in states highly targeted by Democrats.


“I want to congratulate my fellow Marine, Senator Dan Sullivan on his victory. Alaskans know Dan as a man who always puts service before self and who has championed the unique needs of his state in Washington,” National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.) said in a statement. “The state will be well served with another six years of his representation.”


Sullivan's win means that, as widely expected, majority control will depend on the winners of two January runoffs in Georgia.


If Democrats win both, the chamber will be tied 50-50, with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris casting the tie-breaking vote. But if they lose either one, Republicans will control the majority as President-elect Joe Biden takes office.


According to polls, Democrats face an uphill battle if they hope to reverse the results of initial vote in Georgia where the two Democratic candidates lagged their GOP challengers.

Anonymous ID: ab2412 Nov. 11, 2020, 9:56 a.m. No.9508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9511


just took a looksie

lord, it's gonna land just north of TB

no wonder the storms here and storm surge

I'm south of TB but not far enough


Anonymous ID: ab2412 Nov. 11, 2020, 10:01 a.m. No.9512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9514 >>9552 >>9600 >>9642

The Boeing Co., Defense, Space & Security, St. Louis, Missouri, has been awarded a$9,800,000,000indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for F-15 support forSaudi Arabia

Anonymous ID: ab2412 Nov. 11, 2020, 10:17 a.m. No.9514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9552




>>9474 Planefaggin

>>9509, >>9510 Did you know that a Texas Voting Systems Examiner, in 2019, urged the State not to certify Dominion Voting Systems because of multiple security issues he found?

>>9507 JPMorgan Chase Is Under a New Federal Investigation, One Month After Getting Slapped with Its 4th and 5th Criminal Felony Count

>>9506 Sullivan Wins Alaska Reelection, Bringing Republicans To 50 Senators

>>9501 Q/Snowden/Jeopardy

>>9494 Deutsche Bank Proposes A 5% "Work From Home" Tax

>>9492, >>9512 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley met withQatari Armed Forces Chief of Staff H E Lieutenant General Ghanem bin Shaheen Al Ghanemtoday

>>9489 Tech Stocks Lead Gains in Furious Surge After Rout: Markets Wrap

>>9488 @USMC Salute to Service

>>9483 Pres Proclomation on Vet Day 2020

>>9472 Frank Andrews: General Flynn Father In-Law

>>9470 Bill Ackman Shorts Over $20BN In Credit To Hedge Next Crash

>>9466 Avantor Inc. sold by New Mountain Capital: $893.49m-Nov 10

>>9465 HRC: Watch Jr.

>>9463 Nat'l Ass'n of State Election Directors needs diggz

>>9462, >>9464, >>9475, >>9482 CM on voting machine set up

>>9461 Bahrain’s long-serving prime minister Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa dead at 84

>>9460 NATO: We Will Remember Them, #ArmisticeDay

>>9459 Alaska was called for Trump.

>>9458 U.S. Cyber Command and the National Security Agency targeted Iranian hackers ahead of the U.S. presidential election.

>>9457 Hong Kong opposition quits legislature after Beijing intervention

>>9456 NC Senate seat GOP secured

>>9454, >>9503 Fla: Fuck around in Fla and Find Out/ expand Stand Your Ground

>>9444 Potus twats


Anonymous ID: ab2412 Nov. 11, 2020, 10:32 a.m. No.9518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9552 >>9600 >>9642

Don't forget that these machines can be networked together to central sources over the internet.


Why might dominion machines update on election night?

Anonymous ID: ab2412 Nov. 11, 2020, 10:34 a.m. No.9519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9552 >>9600 >>9642

Scoop: Mark Tomb, a Pentagon policy official, has been fired as the unusual shakeup at DoD continues.

Anonymous ID: ab2412 Nov. 11, 2020, 10:42 a.m. No.9521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9552 >>9600 >>9642



"BREAKING: #Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (@GaSecofState) HAS ORDERED A FULL MANUAL HAND RECOUNT of all ballots cast during the Nov. 3 election."

Anonymous ID: ab2412 Nov. 11, 2020, 11:43 a.m. No.9539   🗄️.is 🔗kun


have been playin door tag with g's,

stuffy in here, need opened, so far lots of palm branches and a gutter, neighbor's, in yard, water to top of seawall now

thinkin our power is safe

wish you luck wakes

sux with new bike

Anonymous ID: ab2412 Nov. 11, 2020, 11:46 a.m. No.9541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9546


there is a fine line between in control and under control, anons wanted to think there was a central command running the board, now they see how that is, if anons there can't recognize the diff then they OK with it

most of us aren't

Anonymous ID: ab2412 Nov. 11, 2020, 11:49 a.m. No.9542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9552 >>9600 >>9642

Adobe Acquiring Management Platform Specialist Workfront For $1.5 Billion


Adobe (NASDAQ:ADBE) is reaching deep into its coffers for a new asset buy. The company announced Tuesday that it signed a deal to acquire privately held office software specialist Workfront for $1.5 billion.


The two companies are longstanding business partners. According to Adobe, it and Workfront which it describes as "the leading work management platform for marketers" currently share more than 1,000 clients. Workfront's total customer count is over 3,000, while Adobe's user base tops 1 million.


Adobe''s client list is varied and includes such familiar companies as Under Armour, Home Depot, and Deloitte.


Workfront's platform will be added to Adobe's Experience Cloud, an omnibus software platform that includes numerous marketing and analytical functionalities.


In Adobe's press release touting the acquisition, Executive Vice President and General Manager Anil Chakravarthy said that the "combination of Adobe and Workfront will further accelerate Adobe's leadership in customer experience management, providing a pioneering solution that spans the entire lifecycle of digital experiences, from ideation to activation."


Adobe has not specified how it will fund the acquisition. As of Aug. 28, the company had nearly $3.8 billion in cash and equivalents on its books.


The company expects the deal to close in Q1 of its fiscal 2021. The acquisition is subject to approval from the relevant regulatory bodies. Until the transaction is complete, Adobe and Workfront will continue to operate as independent companies. Following that, current Workfront CEO Alex Shootman will continue to lead that business while reporting to Chakravarthy.

Anonymous ID: ab2412 Nov. 11, 2020, 11:54 a.m. No.9544   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Project Veritas Releases RAW and UNEDITED Audio of 2 Hour Coercive Interrogation of USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins by Federal Agents


Project Veritas Tuesday night released a video with USPS whistleblower Richard Hopkins asserting that he did not recant his allegations of election fraud, a lie that was published by the Washington Post.


Additionally, James O’Keefe posted recordings of federal agents attempting to coerce and intimidate Hopkins into recanting.


The tactics used to coerce and intimidate the USPS whistleblower is something you would see in a Communist country.


It was chilling.


Hopkins made major waves when he went on record about Postmaster Rob Weisenbach’s orders to backdate ballots to November 3rd in Erie, Pennsylvania, so that late ballots would be accepted.


Mail-in ballots must be postmarked by Election Day to be considered valid and counted, per US law.


In the newly released recording, Agent Russell Strasser says that “I am trying to twist you a little bit.”


“We have senators involved. We have the Department of Justice involved. We have-” Strasser says.


“Hopkins interjects that Trump’s lawyers have also been in contact with him.


“I am not — I am actually. I am trying to twist you a little bit because in that, believe it or not, your mind will kick in,” Strasser says. “We like to control our mind. And when we do that, we can convince ourselves of a memory. But when you’re under a little bit of stress, which is what I’m doing to you purposely, your mind can be a little bit clearer. And we’re going to do a different exercise too, to make your mind a little bit clearer. So, this is all on purpose,” Strasser said.


Project Veritas on Wednesday afternoon released the raw and unedited audio.

Anonymous ID: ab2412 Nov. 11, 2020, 12:12 p.m. No.9552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9558 >>9561 >>9562 >>9572 >>9574 >>9598 >>9600




>>9474, >>9550 Planefaggin

>>9551 /midnightriders/ research appears on OAN

>>9542 Adobe Acquiring Management Platform Specialist Workfront For $1.5 Billion

>>9533 11:11 today 2 yr delta Boom!

>>9525 “THE SPOILS OF WAR: The Secret Story of WWII Japanese & Nazi Gold”

>>9521 @JohnBasham #Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (@GaSecofState) HAS ORDERED A FULL MANUAL HAND RECOUNT of all ballots

>>9520 @CBS_Herridge election updates

>>9519 Mark Tomb, a Pentagon policy official, has been fired as the unusual shakeup at DoD continues.

>>9509, >>9510 Did you know that a Texas Voting Systems Examiner, in 2019, urged the State not to certify Dominion Voting Systems because of multiple security issues he found?

>>9507 JPMorgan Chase Is Under a New Federal Investigation, One Month After Getting Slapped with Its 4th and 5th Criminal Felony Count

>>9506 Sullivan Wins Alaska Reelection, Bringing Republicans To 50 Senators

>>9501 Q/Snowden/Jeopardy

>>9494 Deutsche Bank Proposes A 5% "Work From Home" Tax

>>9492, >>9512 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley met withQatari Armed Forces Chief of Staff H E Lieutenant General Ghanem bin Shaheen Al Ghanemtoday

>>9489 Tech Stocks Lead Gains in Furious Surge After Rout: Markets Wrap

>>9488 @USMC Salute to Service

>>9483 Pres Proclomation on Vet Day 2020

>>9472 Frank Andrews: General Flynn Father In-Law

>>9470 Bill Ackman Shorts Over $20BN In Credit To Hedge Next Crash

>>9466 Avantor Inc. sold by New Mountain Capital: $893.49m-Nov 10

>>9465 HRC: Watch Jr.

>>9463 Nat'l Ass'n of State Election Directors needs diggz

>>9462, >>9464, >>9475, >>9482, >>9515, >>9518, >>9523 CM on voting machine set up

>>9461 Bahrain’s long-serving prime minister Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa dead at 84

>>9460 NATO: We Will Remember Them, #ArmisticeDay

>>9459 Alaska was called for Trump.

>>9458 U.S. Cyber Command and the National Security Agency targeted Iranian hackers ahead of the U.S. presidential election.

>>9457 Hong Kong opposition quits legislature after Beijing intervention

>>9456 NC Senate seat GOP secured

>>9454, >>9503 Fla: Fuck around in Fla and Find Out/ expand Stand Your Ground

>>9444 Potus twats



got distracted as hurricane skirting us here

pray for wakes, he's in direct hit line

lemme know if too much, missed sumpin

Anonymous ID: ab2412 Nov. 11, 2020, 12:49 p.m. No.9580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9585


hi tide peaked here now but surge still incoming

lighter bands of rain

figure it's about at your latitude now

killin em wit nik'd memes huh

Anonymous ID: ab2412 Nov. 11, 2020, 1:01 p.m. No.9588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9589


ride tomorrow to survey the damage

obstacle course much?



damn vehicles mighty inconvenient sometimes

pains in he ass every time

glad you got help

hope your master cyl is in guud shape, bleedin lines a pain too, nothin like that first test drive to give a thrill

I member having to pack em, greasy job that

Anonymous ID: ab2412 Nov. 11, 2020, 1:20 p.m. No.9600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9603 >>9605 >>9614


Three quarters there


>>9474, >>9550, >>9555, >>9560, >>9563, >>9594 Planefaggin

>>9567, >>9596 Crimes Against Humanity, fraudulent PCR Tests Taken To Court vid

>>9559, >>9568 @SidneyPowell1 This is massive voter fraud. It is a feature built into the system by the companies that own the machines and software

>>9551, >>9554, >>9556, >>9587, >>8044 pb /midnightriders/ research appears on OAN vid, starts 1:40

>>9542 Adobe Acquiring Management Platform Specialist Workfront For $1.5 Billion

>>9533 11:11 today 2 yr delta Boom!

>>9525 “THE SPOILS OF WAR: The Secret Story of WWII Japanese & Nazi Gold”

>>9521 @JohnBasham #Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (@GaSecofState) HAS ORDERED A FULL MANUAL HAND RECOUNT of all ballots

>>9520 @CBS_Herridge election updates

>>9519 Mark Tomb, a Pentagon policy official, has been fired as the unusual shakeup at DoD continues.

>>9509, >>9510 Did you know that a Texas Voting Systems Examiner, in 2019, urged the State not to certify Dominion Voting Systems because of multiple security issues he found?

>>9507 JPMorgan Chase Is Under a New Federal Investigation, One Month After Getting Slapped with Its 4th and 5th Criminal Felony Count

>>9506 Sullivan Wins Alaska Reelection, Bringing Republicans To 50 Senators

>>9501 Q/Snowden/Jeopardy

>>9494 Deutsche Bank Proposes A 5% "Work From Home" Tax

>>9492, >>9512 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley met withQatari Armed Forces Chief of Staff H E Lieutenant General Ghanem bin Shaheen Al Ghanemtoday

>>9489 Tech Stocks Lead Gains in Furious Surge After Rout: Markets Wrap

>>9488 @USMC Salute to Service

>>9483 Pres Proclomation on Vet Day 2020

>>9472 Frank Andrews: General Flynn Father In-Law

>>9470 Bill Ackman Shorts Over $20BN In Credit To Hedge Next Crash

>>9466 Avantor Inc. sold by New Mountain Capital: $893.49m-Nov 10

>>9465 HRC: Watch Jr.

>>9463 Nat'l Ass'n of State Election Directors needs diggz

>>9462, >>9464, >>9475, >>9482, >>9515, >>9518, >>9523 CM on voting machine set up

>>9461 Bahrain’s long-serving prime minister Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa dead at 84

>>9460 NATO: We Will Remember Them, #ArmisticeDay

>>9459 Alaska was called for Trump.

>>9458 U.S. Cyber Command and the National Security Agency targeted Iranian hackers ahead of the U.S. presidential election.

>>9457 Hong Kong opposition quits legislature after Beijing intervention

>>9456 NC Senate seat GOP secured

>>9454, >>9503 Fuck around in Fla and Find Out/ expand Stand Your Ground

>>9444 Potus twats



don't like sumpin lemme know

Anonymous ID: ab2412 Nov. 11, 2020, 2:26 p.m. No.9642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9644


>>9474, >>9550, >>9555, >>9560, >>9563, >>9594, >>9625 Planefaggin

>>9635 Federal Election Commission Chairman Drops Bombshell: ‘This Election Is Illegitimate’

>>9615, >>9618 Lin Wood: The inspiration to #FightBack comes from words & acts of The People. / “LOCK THEM ALL UP - THEY’VE BEEN CAUGHT”

>>9567, >>9596 Crimes Against Humanity, fraudulent PCR Tests Taken To Court vid

>>9559, >>9568 @SidneyPowell1 This is massive voter fraud. It is a feature built into the system by the companies that own the machines and software

>>9551, >>9554, >>9556, >>9587, >>8044 pb /midnightriders/ research appears on OAN vid, starts 1:40

>>9542 Adobe Acquiring Management Platform Specialist Workfront For $1.5 Billion

>>9533 11:11 today 2 yr delta Boom!

>>9525 “THE SPOILS OF WAR: The Secret Story of WWII Japanese & Nazi Gold”

>>9521 @JohnBasham #Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (@GaSecofState) HAS ORDERED A FULL MANUAL HAND RECOUNT of all ballots

>>9520 @CBS_Herridge election updates

>>9519 Mark Tomb, a Pentagon policy official, has been fired as the unusual shakeup at DoD continues.

>>9509, >>9510 Did you know that a Texas Voting Systems Examiner, in 2019, urged the State not to certify Dominion Voting Systems because of multiple security issues he found?

>>9507 JPMorgan Chase Is Under a New Federal Investigation, One Month After Getting Slapped with Its 4th and 5th Criminal Felony Count

>>9506 Sullivan Wins Alaska Reelection, Bringing Republicans To 50 Senators

>>9501 Q/Snowden/Jeopardy

>>9494 Deutsche Bank Proposes A 5% "Work From Home" Tax

>>9492, >>9512 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley met withQatari Armed Forces Chief of Staff H E Lieutenant General Ghanem bin Shaheen Al Ghanem today

>>9489 Tech Stocks Lead Gains in Furious Surge After Rout: Markets Wrap

>>9488 @USMC Salute to Service

>>9483 Pres Proclomation on Vet Day 2020

>>9472 Frank Andrews: General Flynn Father In-Law

>>9470 Bill Ackman Shorts Over $20BN In Credit To Hedge Next Crash

>>9466 Avantor Inc. sold by New Mountain Capital: $893.49m-Nov 10

>>9465 HRC: Watch Jr.

>>9463 Nat'l Ass'n of State Election Directors needs diggz

>>9462, >>9464, >>9475, >>9482, >>9515, >>9518, >>9523 CM on voting machine set up

>>9461 Bahrain’s long-serving prime minister Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa dead at 84

>>9460 NATO: We Will Remember Them, #ArmisticeDay

>>9459 Alaska was called for Trump.

>>9458 U.S. Cyber Command and the National Security Agency targeted Iranian hackers ahead of the U.S. presidential election.

>>9457 Hong Kong opposition quits legislature after Beijing intervention

>>9456 NC Senate seat GOP secured

>>9454, >>9503 Fuck around in Fla and Find Out/ expanding Stand Your Ground

>>9444 Potus twats
