Australia Releases Propaganda Video Hyping Up Their New Covid Concentration Camps…
Because this isn't creepy at all…..
Australia Releases Propaganda Video Hyping Up Their New Covid Concentration Camps…
Because this isn't creepy at all…..
'This is your victory. Well done, mainstream media. You put this man in the White House. He's a disaster. The way he's gone about this will be with us for many years to come.'
Nigel Farage criticises Joe Biden's handling of Afghanistan.
40,000 foot view from Nigel.
Ep. 1593 The Worst Day Of The Worst Presidency In US History - The Dan Bongino Show
President Trump’s deal with the Taliban—-signed on 2/29/2020—was conditions-based. Basically, don’t attack Americans-we won’t attack you. If conditions are met we will withdraw by 5/1/2021.
What the left conveniently forget is the Taliban very quickly violated the conditions and launched an attack just days after this treaty was signed, on 3/4/2020, President Trump responded with an air strike to force them to their knees.
The Taliban got the message and cried for de-escalation.
Peace through strength, not through weakness and capitulation.
No matter how the left try and spin this it's not Trump's fault, the buck stops with Biden.