Anonymous ID: ff633f Aug. 29, 2021, 2:56 p.m. No.95082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5083 >>5132

red shoes bill starts off funny but ends real unfunny

it be like that for shills i suppose haha

Conservative Comedy | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)


Aug 27, 2021

Anonymous ID: ff633f Aug. 29, 2021, 3:07 p.m. No.95084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5085 >>5088 >>5132


>editing the host file is a trap.

from what i think i know and member about how host files work:

it's more like direct dial from what i understand

if you can direct dial all the numbers, that is the smoothest path

otherwise it's left up to the browser that may take the long way

in this case it seems using the correct ip(s) fixes images

it would be good to confirm all the ip(s) to make everyone feel better/safer

imo my2cents

Anonymous ID: ff633f Aug. 29, 2021, 3:13 p.m. No.95085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5132


also, if messing with host files it's good to make as few changes as possible in the beginning

that way easy to delete all and replace with original hostfiles

so if i member correctly what they would do with host files is take common addersses and 'change their number'

example: change direct number to porn , change direct number (ip) to wrong addy

so on the User's end it was like 'hey why am ending up at all these crazy sites'

the trick was to delete the corrupt host file and replace with original usually taken from uncorrupt computer

that would help regain control of the computer specifically the browser
