I'm looking for a clean copy of "The Coming War" by General Ludendorff. Archive.org has one with many missing pages.
Requesting "The Nation at War" the English translation of General Erich Ludendorff's "Der Totale Krieg"
Ludendorff's works are not as easy to come by as you might suppose for an author so important on the JQ
The pamphlet is a Jewish hit piece meant to counter Ludendorff's book.
I appreciate your interest. I consider him the best source. The missing works are:
Kriegshetze und Volkermorden in den letzten 150 Jahren" War Agitation and the Massacre of Nations" Also translated as "Warmongers and the Murderers of the people of the last 150 years."
Kriegführung und Politik (Berlin, 1922)
fuck it here's a more complete list. https://www.worldcat.org/search?qt=worldcat_org_all&q=Erich+Ludendorff
A historian basically counterfeits himself and dons the yarmulke by avoiding Ludendorff.
The link does not include "Destruction of Freemasonry through the revelation of its secrets"
So I'm including that here: https://archive.org/details/LudendorffErichDestructionOfFreemasonryThroughRevelationOfTheirSecretsEnglishVersion1977/Ludendorff%2C%20Erich%20-%20Destruction%20of%20Freemasonry%20through%20Revelation%20of%20their%20Secrets%3B%20english%20version%3B%201977%3B
There is also an atrocious dirty translation of a short extract of his 1922 work available here. http://www.csun.edu/~hfspc002/442/txt/luden.html
and another short work available here: https://www.firstworldwar.com/source/germanassembly_ludendorff.htm
I'm also looking for: Design for war : a study of secret power politics, 1937-1941.
by Frederic Rockwell Sanborn