Anonymous ID: cce5d2 Dec. 8, 2020, 4:07 p.m. No.13704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3711 >>4102 >>4106

Can somebody anybody for the love of all that is antithetical to Jewry, pretty-fucking-please-mit-einer-Kirsche-oben-drauf, spare me the indignity of having to shell out ~$100 to some turbo-kike institution for a digital copy of Arno Schickedanz's "Sozialparasitismus im Volkerleben" (1927) and just point me towards the path where I find it for free/cheap!?

>>inb4 "here's a Czech translation of it"


>Though I do truly appreciate the efforts of that Christcuck Slovak in bringing this work to an accessible, digital format (as I've attached here), ultimately, I'm trying to produce a complete, English translation of this work, so a translation of a translation really won't suffice, nevermind the fact that I am completely beyond my depth when it comes to the various, foreign, ooga-booga tongues of broken satellite states of the Steppe, i.e. "Czech" (no offense), making any "translation," so-to-speak, amount to little-more than a touched-up relay from Jewgle translate et al. (AKA virtually every "translation" from