Anonymous ID: a0a6fb Sept. 14, 2018, 6:20 p.m. No.10158   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The trilogy involves behavioural psychology which is not evolutionary psychology, but he does analyse jewish group evolution. If you understand psychology to be a battleground between jews and (predominantly christian) Europeans, and avoid the meme that 'psychology is jewish pseudoscience' than the trilogy makes for an interesting read. On that note, MacDonald absolutely annihilates the retarded psychology of Freud and Wilhelm, as well as Bernays. He also describes in detail the significance of Tavistock jewish marxism on future cultures (MK-Ultra, social engineering, class warfare, critical theory, etc). Despite him being pulled into the alt-kike crowd, he managed to escape the bog and eventually condemned them as controlled opposition, which one would have expected him to realize immediately, not in hindsight. He also cleans up the image of Jung, despite his temporary involvement with Freud and jewish mysticism. Jung's collected works are an invaluable source of knowledge, and he was aware of the jewish problem his whole life and almost himself invented the method of hiding his awareness and getting involved with them to try subtly to combat their efforts to rot society. He remained a Christian throughout the decades of involvement, which is another sign that he was truly trying to work behind enemy lines and avoid being classed as a natsoc collaborator. Jung was at the heart of the philosophical and theological battle between Germany and the jews.