>2 yrs
>then 6 yrs
>yeppers, that would be 8
<{ 1 of 2 }
Marathon Length = 26 (= [8] )
[target] = [8] the GanG of HATE$tar$ (mouth-PIECE$-that-LIE) for
[H=8, ha$ATAN$ Gang of Eight] - Bunch of CROOK$ or blkROOK$ that cackle { ~BUNCH~ of specific BIRD$ = ~M~$~M~ / mGm i.e.WhooPi~G~B[rr]G )
^ { chess analogy rhyme } WHITE WHITE WHITEHouse = msg from Q+ CASTLE /ourCastle
Q msg = dig on [LOOPCapitol]++ _corruption cap_i_tol or HeadMa$ter__Chair__ of BLACK_ROCK w/ theROOK$-of-CHE$$blk
2006 (8) (8)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 08/30/2018 16:24:57 ID: b06b02
Q Clock [ Minute: 26 | :25/:55 Mirror: 24 | 180 Mirror: 56 | :35/:05 Mirror: 44 ]
Good find!
The 'Marathon Media' is working hard.{ HeadMa$ter__Chair__ of BLACK_ROCK w/ theROOK$-of-CHE$$blk }
re: msgs from WHTcastle: /pb
>>118179 President Donald /T\rump Will Headline RSBN's Year in Review Show
{ ^ [.] = PERIOD /T\ spear point /T\ POINTman-reCON /T] = Q#4208 (14) (5)
https://qagg.news/?wordsearch=on&q=WHITE { Q Drops: 71 } /pb mirrOR Q
^ (1) example:
4820 (14) (5)
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 10/07/2020 15:17:58 ID: 1808e1
Q Clock [ Minute: 15 | :25/:55 Mirror: 35 | 180 Mirror: 45 | :35/:05 Mirror: 55 ] { BDT }
CF/HRC is positioned on the chessBoards to SeLL-out-America in exchange
to achieve her PRINCESS-inTheLookingGlassCeil[ing]-1stFem_Resident, *un~Knowling, that she was being used as BAIT;
~ now trapped as (((their)))evilBLKqueen, she is Protecting The BLKche$$KING ...
{ dash-$t[ing] about like $ANTA -- [P]HeadMa$ter_Chair__ of BLACK_ROCK ( an 8-sided sat~turn, ++satellites / superCOMPS_a_i ) }
4795 (25) (7)
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 09/30/2020 22:57:11 ID: 1321c7
Q Clock [ Minute: 8 | :25/:55 Mirror: 42 | 180 Mirror: 38 | :35/:05 Mirror: 2 ]
https://twitter.com/C_L_I_C_K/status/1311481435442810882 { https://archive.ph/11kLv }
Marathon end.
^=Click @C_L_I_C_K screenCAP of __Q+ on RSBN__Q_uotes:
"It's about time that something happens."
"It's enough!"
"We've got plenty of information on these crooks."
"Bunch of crooks!"
0:27 (= [9] )sec vid RSBN
https://twitter.com/C_L_I_C_K/status/1311481435442810882 { https://archive.ph/11kLv }
6:41 PM - 30 Sep 2020
4,059 Retweets 7,631 Likes
{ RAW VIDEO: President Donald Trump FULL SPEECH at Duluth, MN Rally [9]/30/20 / https://youtu.be/SB9xXl8sHsE
{ thumbnail displays runtime 56:18 (= 11.[9] ?? ~did PDJT mention 911 this rally? ), when CLICKtoPLAY runTIME 56:Q (= 11.[8] )
{ 8 = theGANGof_HATE_ / divisors / diviners / schemers / scammers / FAKE__NEWS\|/mirrOR (= catchNrelease SPEARpoint: \|/ )
>could be considered as year 2023
<>[dash][dash]23!!![<three exclamations] { 3-pointed CAPTUREnoRELEASE--_SPEAR_HEAD: [/T] = max[P]ain. }
{ [marathon][marathon] or 8+8 = 16 = 7]23!!! (= Q#7.23!!! / #7.5.3 <"Think image drop." / #7.8 ... moar = QDrop # 75 ~ FUQ'T_ohKeK !!!
{ https://qagg.news/?wordsearch=on&q=-- ( Q Drops: 6 )
>That is muh current hypothesis
1461 (12) (3)
Q !CbboFOtcZs 06/11/2018 17:37:22 ID: 22318c
Q Clock [ Minute: 6 | :25/:55 Mirror: 44 | 180 Mirror: 36 | :35/:05 Mirror: 4 ]
Good decoding.
Technically US 11th = SING 12th, correct?
What else might (23) refer to? { MAX_i_MUM@PAIN = 'Q#2165 (14) (5)' / CR_I_/T\CAL MA$[$] / GOLDEN 5:5 }
Dash v Minus? { https://morsecode.world/american/morse.html
Military. { ^ /Y\ code(s) ~ space_Force(d)