>$14 Quadrillion
Holy smokes! Picked a good day to lurch around. Dug around a little, dis what I found.
Filing number 181425776
>$14 Quadrillion
Holy smokes! Picked a good day to lurch around. Dug around a little, dis what I found.
Filing number 181425776
>>138426 (me)
0bama's last activity 11/22/2011
No activity on it until Trump 8/23/2017
Going to take a while to wade through 54MB on this date... it's beer thirty here, if I find anything worth mentioning will let you know in the morning.
>4Q in muh write up... halloween night
You had $14,000,000,000,000
Had to looks it up, its trillions. 15 zeros- quadrillion. And it was cash to boot.
Excellent find! Vaguely remember it, can't contain it all.. Not finished digging it, there was more activity on it up to 2021.
Thanks for bringing up your digz