Anonymous ID: 34b35c July 17, 2019, 5:54 p.m. No.16660   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Just a day or so ago a Linuxanon posted here that he is using wget to grab the files and Recoll to index them.

I tried the stuff previously in the War Room and could never get it to work right, so I dropped it. I printed out the man pages for wget today and will be going over them this evening. I'd like to "set & forget" a cron job (every x hours, go "there," grab "anything new" and put it "here") with, if dreams come true, an automatically generated file structure. I KNOW Linux can do it ... I don't know if >I< can.

I am WAY rusty at the tui.




I stayed an extra couple of days because, in the past, the kerfuffles have settled down after a few days. This time, they don't seem to be settling down.