Anonymous ID: 052874 Aug. 4, 2019, 3:12 p.m. No.36975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6986 >>7004 >>7047 >>7054 >>7465 >>7561


as if I needed more proof of the downfall of QR

baker just made seriously egregious error

was informed of error

correct information was obvious in notable post

baker ignores it and posts erroneous

original post



gets turned into notable


>>>/qresearch/7341672 8bit tells WaPo 8ch should be shut off

in bread #9395


gets these responses










so next bread (#9396) we get


with same 'error'




Anonymous ID: 052874 Aug. 4, 2019, 6:54 p.m. No.37281   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I know you're not

I've chatted with you way back in the dawning of time, W. E. Deming's thoughts on systems & quality control was one topic we discussed.


I also chatted a tiny bit with Fred during the migration while he was still setting this place up.


two different anons, with two very different philosophies and posting styles


you probably recognize my by the graphic


Am damn glad you set up the bunker, and then opened it when the time of need arose.

I think you've got a great batch of BAKERS here, nurture them when you can.




I think we may be in for some rough seas ahead due to the fuckery on QR smearing us all with a tainted brush and the ongoing media attacks


but I have every confidence this group will pull through if any can.