Anonymous ID: 6b5a4a May 1, 2021, 2:31 p.m. No.49976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9977 >>9978 >>0017 >>0038 >>0039


If @JoeBiden had just followed Donald Trump’s plan, US troops would be out of Afghanistan today. ⁦Instead, Biden⁩ played politics, pushed back the date at a cost of $7.5B, and risked losing more American lives. | @generalkellogg

Anonymous ID: 6b5a4a May 1, 2021, 2:32 p.m. No.49977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0017 >>0038 >>0039


The Afghanistan withdrawal that could have been




Today should have been the day our troops came home from Afghanistan. All President Biden had to do was follow the plan. Former President Trump set May 1, 2021 as the day to end our military presence in Afghanistan while the Biden administration moved it to Sept. 11. This push was not due to strategy or inability to execute, the military was aware and had made plans to ensure the original execution date.


It appears this was a decision based solely on politics and an unwillingness to share the victory with the previous administration, as President Biden has not given any sound policy reason for moving the date. President Biden moved this date at the cost of roughly $7.5 billion for those four months, the risk that we lose more lives overseas, and the desecration of a day that should stand alone, unclouded by politics.


I welcome the decision to withdraw, as do thousands of veterans and their family members. All Americans must honor the sacrifice of those who served and those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation in that far off land. They are American heroes. But it is well past time for a new approach, not just to Afghanistan but foreign policy and the use of military might.

Anonymous ID: 6b5a4a May 1, 2021, 2:32 p.m. No.49978   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0017 >>0038 >>0039




During my time in the Trump administration, I witnessed firsthand President Trump’s monumental effort to undo decades of groupthink in regard to our efforts in the Middle East. He should have received cooperation, but instead he got pushback from “experts” and senior decision-makers who had made little to no progress in this field. Most fretted too much and too often about what might be lost by moving on from Afghanistan instead of focusing on the costs of not moving on. The result of the former has been nearly two decades of sustained operations, even though it had become increasingly clear that a traditional victory was not possible. The “experts” did nothing more than muddy what should always be our guiding principle: If it isn’t good for America, we shouldn’t do it.


Without any basis in fact, the opinion of far too many was grounded in political bias. The opposition to staying in this forever war was met with internal hesitation and resulted in headlines such as, “Trump's Afghan Troop Withdrawal Is a Gift to the Taliban.” All the while, national security pundits beat the same drum that they’ve been beating for decades now. “Success is just around the corner,” or “Give it one more year,” were their mantras. More troops. More money. More blood, sacrifice, and loss, and no gain for Americans.


It is important to recall that the Taliban are Afghans, and over the past decade we have been trying to nation-build in the midst of what amounts to a civil war. During his presidency, Trump made his intent clear when he announced his South Asia strategy in 2017 stating, “…we will not dictate to the Afghan people how to live or how to govern their own complex society.” But the same national security pundits I mentioned previously, including some senior officials in the Trump administration, pushed back on the president purely out of habit and a flawed view of the strategic environment we faced as a country. Dangerously, while these same pundits were pontificating and were fixated on a future, potential threat in Afghanistan, another very real, present threat emerged: a China focused on economically capturing the world.


Thankfully, Trump pushed back against the momentum of falsehoods and hand-wringing that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) called “deeply resisted change.” He continually tasked his National Security team for solutions to ending the “infinity war.” His objective was to secure an ending that would still preserve our national interests and protect lives.


Ultimately, it was President Trump’s and Secretary of State Michael Pompeo’s efforts that led to the establishment of a Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation.It was President Trump who pushed for direct negotiations with the Taliban. The Trump administration saw zero deaths to American forces from Taliban attacks after his personal involvement secured a key agreement with their forces. His work and his policies put our national security interests above all others and our strategy finally respected the value of human capital that had long been wasted in forever wars. It’s because of this, that an option for a safe, full withdrawal is even possible. President Trump had the grace to call President Biden’s troop withdrawal effort “wonderful,” and it’d be nice for President Biden to do the same.


Keith Kellogg is a retired Army Lieutenant General who was an assistant to the president and national security advisor to Vice President Mike Pence. He is currently Co-Chairman for American Security at the America First Policy Institute, a non-profit non-partisan research institute that seeks to develop policies that put Americans first.

Anonymous ID: 6b5a4a May 1, 2021, 4:24 p.m. No.49981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9982 >>9984 >>0017 >>0038 >>0039



Low Energy Nuclear Reactions. LENR. Lattice Enabled Nuclear Reactions. Many names…just don't call it 'Cold Fusion'.


Anon has been following this field for some time and knew that the Navy was deeply involved in this research, but now the reveal must be around the corner. Publicly it seemed that it was all just a tease, some hints, lots of crackpots on the fringes. But there were indications that the real work was spectacular…and hidden.


Now, 32 years later..


I wonder what they really have…did POTUS make them share this with the world? Imagine virtually free energy. Everywhere.


The end of the oil economy. The end of the Petrodollar. The reason why the Saudis put ARAMCO up for public stock offering. You don't sell a profitable monopoly. That's just stupid. You sell capital assets that will be worthless soon to dilute your losses among the suckers that don't have your inside information.


You will remember this post.


This is just the beginning of the reveal. Just wait and see.

Anonymous ID: 6b5a4a May 1, 2021, 6:04 p.m. No.49992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0001 >>0017 >>0038 >>0039

Eyez On For Susan Wright


Texas special election: Polls close in 23-candidates race for House seat


It's the first hotly contested special election of President Joe Biden's term, with polls set to close in North Texas at 7 p.m. CT/8 p.m. ET.


Today is Election Day in Texas, go out and vote for Susan Wright. She will be strong on the Border, Crime, Pro-Life, our brave Military and Vets, and will ALWAYS protect your Second Amendment. She will never let you down. VOTE TODAY!

Anonymous ID: 6b5a4a May 1, 2021, 6:23 p.m. No.49993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0017 >>0038 >>0039

Today Biden said that America is an embarrassment due to our murder rate… think he has a different agenda for his gun laws?….just saying.



From the World Health Organization


The latest Murder Statistics for the world:


Murders per 100,000 citizens per year.


Honduras 91.6 (WOW!!)


El Salvador 69.2


Cote d'lvoire 56.9


Jamaica 52.2


Venezuela 45.1


Belize 41.4


US Virgin Islands 39.2


Guatemala 38.5


Saint Kitts and Nevis 38.2


Zambia 38.0


Uganda 36.3


Malawi 36.0


Lesotho 35.2


Trinidad and Tobago 35.2


Colombia 33.4


South Africa 31.8


Congo 30.8


Central African Republic 29.3


Bahamas 27.4


Puerto Rico 26.2


Saint Lucia 25.2


Dominican Republic 25.0


Tanzania 24.5


Sudan 24.2


Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 22.9


Ethiopia 22.5


Guinea 22.5


Dominica 22.1


Burundi 21.7


Democratic Republic of the Congo 21.7


Panama 21.6


Brazil 21.0


Equatorial Guinea 20.7


Guinea-Bissau 20.2


Kenya 20.1


Kyrgyzstan 20.1


Cameroon 19.7


Montserrat 19.7


Greenland 19.2


Angola 19.0


Guyana 18.6


Burkina Faso 18.0


Eritrea 17.8


Namibia 17.2


Rwanda 17.1


Mexico 16.9


Chad 15.8


Ghana 15.7


Ecuador 15.2


North Korea 15.2


Benin 15.1


Sierra Leone 14.9


Mauritania 14.7


Botswana 14.5


Zimbabwe 14.3


Gabon 13.8


Nicaragua 13.6


French Guiana 13.3


Papua New Guinea 13.0


Swaziland 12.9


Bermuda 12.3


Comoros 12.2


Nigeria 12.2


Cape Verde 11.6


Grenada 11.5


Paraguay 11.5


Barbados 11.3


Togo 10.9


Gambia 10.8


Peru 10.8


Myanmar 10.2


Russia 10.2


Liberia 10.1


Costa Rica 10.0


Nauru 9.8


Bolivia 8.9


Mozambique 8.8


Kazakhstan 8.8


Senegal 8.7


Turks and Caicos Islands 8.7


Mongolia 8.7


British Virgin Islands 8.6


Cayman Islands 8.4


Seychelles 8.3


Madagascar 8.1


Indonesia 8.1


Mali 8.0


Pakistan 7.8


Moldova 7.5


Kiribati 7.3


Guadeloupe 7.0


Haiti 6.9


Timor-Leste 6.9


Anguilla 6.8


Antigua and Barbuda 6.8


Lithuania 6.6


Uruguay 5.9


Philippines 5.4


Ukraine 5.2


Estonia 5.2


Cuba 5.0


Belarus 4.9


Thailand 4.8


Suriname 4.6


Laos 4.6


Georgia 4.3


Martinique 4.2


And ……….The United States 4.2


And ALL (109) of the countries above America, HAVE 100% gun bans.



It might be of interest to note that SWITZERLAND is not shown on this list, because it has… NO MURDER OCCURRENCE!


However, SWITZERLAND 'S law requires that EVERYONE over 18 and under 65:


  1. Own a gun.


  1. Maintain Marksman qualifications … regularly .



Did you learn anything from this??


The message is - loud and clear…

Anonymous ID: 6b5a4a May 1, 2021, 8:53 p.m. No.49999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0017 >>0038 >>0039


Romney boo'd Mike Lee cheered


>Sen. Mike Lee drew a standing ovation as he took the podium and, hand on his heart, he cheered delegates in attendance “for taking action! Thank you!,” he said, calling their presence “an act of faith in the future.”


Utah Sen. Mike Lee: Architect Behind Anti-American Immigration BillIt’s an appalling reality that in the entire U.S. Senate not one single member is willing to stand up for American workers.


From appointed Arizona Republican Martha McSally to Vermont Independent Bernie Sanders, possibly the world’s only avowed socialist who won’t defend his nation’s workers, none stood up against the Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act, S. 386, and its continuum of foreign national tech workers, mostly Indian.


S. 386 would eliminate the 7 percent country cap provision that controls Green Card issuance to ensure that one country, or just a few countries, do not dominate the program. The current system limits India to about 20 percent of the employment-based work permits, mostly H-1B visas. But U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services predicts that if S. 386 were to become law, India would receive more than 90 percent of Green Cards for the next ten years. Green Cards are a step to U.S. citizenship.


Imagine cheering for mike lee.

Anonymous ID: 6b5a4a May 1, 2021, 9:18 p.m. No.50004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0017 >>0038 >>0039

A question that demands answers: why was John Kerry even speaking with Iran when President Trump was leading Middle East peace talks?


Would Biden approve Mike Pompeo doing the same?


If true, Kerry must resign, or be fired and have his security clearance revoked immediately.

Anonymous ID: 6b5a4a May 1, 2021, 9:19 p.m. No.50005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0017 >>0038 >>0039

Grassley's Senate floor speech - "NO!" on Samantha Power for USAID


Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) gives a speech about President Biden's nomination of Samantha Power, who was confirmed as director of USAID this week.



Anonymous ID: 6b5a4a May 1, 2021, 9:27 p.m. No.50006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0017 >>0038 >>0039



Bit of an odd tweet from Pompeo - note the lack of formatting (capital letters etc.). Pompeo is usually a stickler for this type of thing…


Have included the other names of the horses you could bet on - coincidental and odd choices for him to make? Some odd names in there too.



Anonymous ID: 6b5a4a May 1, 2021, 9:29 p.m. No.50007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0017 >>0038 >>0039

EXCLUSIVE: Illegal Immigrants Fly American, Courtesy of Biden Border Policy


About 14 separate families or groups of illegal immigrants boarded a flight Thursday at McAllen International Airport in Texas, the man in charge of border security during the Trump administration told The Daily Signal.


Mark Morgan, former commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, said he watched from a nearby seat as the illegal immigrants boarded the American Airlines flight just after 3 p.m. CDT at the airport of the border town.


“By the eighth or ninth family is when I decided to take pictures,” Morgan told The Daily Signal on Friday. “I decided to take a video when I saw a large family with an infant child.”


When he witnessed the immigrants boarding the airliner bound for connecting flights at Dallas-Fort Worth, Morgan was traveling with Thomas Homan, acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement during the Trump administration.


Although the migrant families or groups on the flight didn’t appear to have identification, each held travel documents inside manila envelopes with their flight times and final destination.


That’s a marked difference from U.S. citizens when they board a plane, Morgan said.


The packets held by the migrants bore the words: “PLEASE HELP ME. I DO NOT SPEAK ENGLISH.”


At least one boy among the illegal immigrants boarding the flight held a smartphone, video shows. It is not clear whether the illegal immigrants were tested for COVID-19.


The incident witnessed by Morgan is another sign of the border crisis that has consumed much of President Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office. It is not clear how many such flights carrying how many illegal immigrants have flown out of McAllen and other border cities since Biden took office Jan. 20, where the migrants went, or how much it cost.


Such flights occurred under previous administrations, including during the border surge in 2019, Morgan said. But the Trump administration worked to end the practice, he said.


“We had all the tools in place,” Morgan told The Daily Signal. “Now it’s worse than we’ve ever had. During the Trump administration, we did everything we could to stop this. The current administration is trying to better facilitate and prepare [illegal immigrants] for release.”

Anonymous ID: 6b5a4a May 1, 2021, 10:25 p.m. No.50017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0018 >>0020 >>0021 >>0027


Nota Blues


>>49988, >>49994, >>49995 Gold Eyez to the Skyz

>>50016 Every damn ballotbitches.

>>50015 Fund The Audit

>>50008, >>50009 AZ audit poppin, heads up

>>50007 Illegal Immigrants Fly American, Courtesy of Biden Border Policy


>>50005 Grassley's Senate floor speech - "NO!" on Samantha Power for USAID

>>50004 why was John Kerry even speaking with Iran when President Trump was leading Middle East peace talks?

>>50000, >>50010 You thought Anthony Wiener's laptop was insane wait til Pelosi's stuff starts leaking...

>>49998, >>50011 Maricopa Audit. All ballots need this watermark or they do not count.

>>49993 Today Biden said that America is an embarrassment due to our murder rate… think he has a different agenda for his gun laws?

>>49992, >>50001, >>50002 Eyez On For Susan Wright/Congrats in order

>>49990, >>49996, >>49999 A loser showed up at the @UtahGOP Convention today

>>49981, >>49982, >>49984, >>49985 COLD FUSION WAS REAL AFTER ALL/Major Chinese investors in talks to take Aramco stake

>>49979 Dangers of Untested Vaccines since 1986, especially for the elderly

>>49976, >>49977, >>49978 If @JoeBiden had just followed Donald Trump’s plan, US troops would be out of Afghanistan today.

>>49971, >>49972, >>49973 Hit piece on AZ audit that mocks legit security concerns

>>49966 @USNavy “We will compete to achieve our national interests, cooperate where we can, and confront where we must

>>49965 Biden's Pentagon Denies Vet Biker Group a Parking Permit for Memorial Day Event - First Time in 32 Years



czech em

lemme know

headin ghost pretty quick

Anonymous ID: 6b5a4a May 1, 2021, 11:12 p.m. No.50030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0033


I can do the notes either way though I tend to like bottom up better but when there is a switch mid bread I be like, wut, habbens when gb notes mostly, otherwise I left you a clean dough and guud notez, all right side up

you awake, right?

just makin sure