Anonymous ID: 1de077 June 30, 2021, 11:08 a.m. No.67809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7810 >>7814

frebe here, mornin' all


>>67656 pb

>If you can provide additional info


>If that site would give me a way to post notables on there, I can do so. Would prefer automatic updates. Can also specify URLs for images including archived URLs etc. although archived URLs may take more time, so a way for updates would be nice. In any case I need an interface to do so.


Yes, i could not figure out how to interface either. But grateful to anon that pointed me to the site.



>re retarded BV oss

bakers here know EXACTLY 'sup with him.

We worked with him as a baker for mmonths months, then he went crazy one day accusing me and other bakers of various stuff (Rusty, Magaveli and Kekbee), apologized when his attack was successfully beaten back (it's archived over in comms). Said he was overworked. Right.


Returned in July acting normal at first - and kitchen accepted or at least tolerated him. Then he started carpetbombing bakers/kitchen - anons never saw anything like that before. Constant unrelending attack with "muh graphics". Fanatic. Then made "frens" with FJ and got him to put "bakers" thread (oss thread) in QR - at that point, there was no stopping his destructive campaign.


He was and is a completely destructive force. Also demonstrated that FJ is completely and utterly comp'd.



>Didn't /comms/ even do baker tutorials and tutorial sessions and so on?

two of us did. night baker had the idea, i did the dough and also some classes

That dough is still available with videos and step by step instructions on how to bake in the last baking class #39 in /comms/.

But qr won't list it, not even the quick pic baking instructions.


Here's the kicker:

the 'plain jane' pastebin baking instructions they DO list on /qr/ are from EXACTLY the same source (night baker) who did the class and made the easier-to-read Quick Pics. Idiots won't use em coz the links are on /qrb/ or /comms/.

Anonymous ID: 1de077 June 30, 2021, 11:45 a.m. No.67834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7838 >>7841


FJ is a total jerk. Also comp'd. Has done everything possible to destroy the baking function and make /qr/ dysfunctional ever since tricking 8bit out of the board in March 2019. (that is, if that's the real story).


Wanna read more? see the two pinned threads in /qrb/. This place exists bc of fj's previous /qr/ takeover.


Don't see Q as a fan of FJ. Problem with chans is that each board is property of one person only, and chans tend to be populated by aggressive gamer types. So even when not comp'd, they're often embittered guys who like to vent. All of us - even Q - has to deal with that reality. He can suggest positive changes but it's still a balancing act.


just muh 2cents worth.



>BV and BO are the same person that is why

just an opinion but don't think that's true, they got real different styles - fj's a showboating, mean-ass gamer while oss is rigidly fanatical (bulldog type)

(fj much lazier, kek)

Anonymous ID: 1de077 June 30, 2021, 11:55 a.m. No.67844   🗄️.is 🔗kun


same problem tends to come up again and again

not so easy to move boards, especially if the same characters are involved


>/qresearch/ sounds nice



board itself and anons are fine - it's mgmt that's not so nice

Anonymous ID: 1de077 June 30, 2021, 12:02 p.m. No.67849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7862 >>7865


Here is another version of this meeting of board officials with President Trump - just in case something "happens" to the YouTube vid: