Anonymous ID: 0bdf3e July 5, 2021, 10:20 p.m. No.69595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9598 >>9611 >>9633 >>9635

>>69570 /lb

alt sauce:

Dr. Jane Ruby, Stew Peters & Russ Brown Reveal BOMBSHELL Info Hiding in PLAIN SIGHT!

Must See Video!




Anonymous ID: 0bdf3e July 5, 2021, 10:55 p.m. No.69598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9606 >>9633 >>9635





Here is what Julian Assange wanted us to know right before his internet was cut


"Intelligent evil dust, it's everywhere in everything"


"The generation being born now is the last to be free"


What was he talking about? Smart Dust


Smartdust involves 5G wireless and IoT as I will soon explain.


First, here's Assange describing it in his own words:

{ TAPE: Assange's last video before communications cut at Ecuadorian Embassy in London (FULL)

96,294 views Streamed live on Sep 20, 2018 (RUNTIME 54:03) }


It's interesting to note that research on smart dust has been active and intense since at least 1997.

By now the technology has advanced and I would expect that they've already tested it many times, formally and secretly.


What in the World is Smart Dust?



The man who coined the term, Kris Pister, told IDG Connect last April that the name

"...was kind of a joke - everything in the US and LA at that time seemed to be 'smart', smart bombs, smart houses, smart roads…"


His recollection can be counted on, since he co-authored the paper

"Smart Dust: Autonomous sensing and communication in a cubic millimeter" back in 1997,

when the technology was still in its infancy.


Pister was able to demonstrate it to DARPA in 2001:

Future Military Sensors Could Be Tiny Specks of ‘Smart Dust’



In 2001, Pister and his colleagues conducted a field demonstration for DARPA at the Marine Corps’ base at Twentynine Palms.

A small drone dropped six “motes” the size of a pill bottle near a road.


After synchronizing with each other, they detected the presence, course and speed of a Humvee and a heavy transport truck.

When the drone passed overhead, the motes transmitted their data to the drone,

which then beamed the information down to a base station.


Hitachi had smart dust in 2001 as well, keep in mind this was 17 years ago and the technology must have improved tenfold by now"




First published at 13:38 UTC on September 27th, 2018.

Anonymous ID: 0bdf3e July 5, 2021, 11:42 p.m. No.69606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9633 >>9635





First published at 05:03 UTC on July 6th, 2021.





2 Billion vaccinated disbelievers in the TRUTH are living through their last summer.

That is what top scientists around the world are saying including Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier,

no matter what the corrupt owners of Google say about him. There are many others that back this bold statement.


People as early as next Spring could be waking up as the only ones on the block in their neighbourhood.

Many will be asked to help bury the dead as most city and health care workers will also be gone.


They were warned for over a year and still lined up to take the deadly experimental vaccine

that killed 90% of the animals in the animal trials.

These test trials were halted after only 4 months when all the animals either died or were maimed for life

Experiments then began immediately in 2021 on humans after repeated health warnings were ignored.


This Fall will see food shortages unlike anything ever seen before as food sits in warehouses around the world and rots.


Distribution centers are being told by the Elites like Bill Gates to let the food sit and rot as a followup measure

to kill off humanity as more and more people are waking up to the Pandemic Fraud.






First published at 23:02 UTC on July 5th, 2021

Anonymous ID: 0bdf3e July 6, 2021, 12:11 a.m. No.69607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9633 >>9635

Right To Truth Media




Most Powerful Biosensor System Built With Copper and Graphene Oxide


Researchers develop world’s first biosensor chips based copper and #GrapheneOxide.

They’ve standard configuration, and thus are compatible with existing industrial biosensors.




Anonymous ID: 0bdf3e July 6, 2021, 12:37 a.m. No.69609   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9622 >>9633 >>9635

A Dynamic Material Powered By Its Own Artificial Metabolism

April 30, 2019 2 min read


Researchers develop a new kind of biomaterial using artificial DNA as its base.


~ It has all lifelike properties, including metabolism and the ability to self-assemble and organize


~ All living organisms maintain themselves by generating new cells and removing old ones.


The two major components of self-sustainability are biosynthesis and biodegradation.


Materials that contain life are synthesized, arranged, dissipated and decomposed automatically in a hierarchical, controlled manner.

So far, scientists haven’t been able to construct such materials from scratch by mimicking metabolism based on bioengineering.


However, there exist a number of techniques that enable the construction of lifelike material in a synthetic manner, analogous to part

of metabolism. Inspired by such techniques, researchers at Cornell University have reported a bottom-up construction of dynamic

biomaterials with properties of living things.


This new DNA material features all 3 key traits of life – metabolism, self-assembly, and organization.

They haven’t invented something that is alive, but a lifelike material concept that hasn’t been seen before.


Creating Lifelike Material From Scratch

The team used a special material called DASH (DNA-based Assembly and Synthesis of Hierarchical

to construct a biomaterial with metabolism, self-assembly and self-organizing capabilities.


This new dynamic material can autonomously evolve from its tiny (atomic scale) building blocks and organize itself

— initially into polymers and ultimately mesoscale structures.


Reference: Science Robotics | DOI:10.1126/scirobotics.aaw3512 | Cornell University

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Researchers began with a base seed sequence and multiplied the DNA molecules hundreds of thousands of times,

producing a millimeter-size chain of repeating DNA.

To provide essential building blocks for biosynthesis and liquid flow energy, they injected the reaction solution in a microfluidic device.


From there, the DNA started synthesizing its own strands:

the material’s front end started growing while its tail started degrading, optimizing the balance.

This led material creep forward against the flow, creating its own locomotion.


Material with its Own Artificial MetabolismCredit: Cornell University


The team then made different sets of the material compete against each other in a race.

The winners were selected by the randomness of the system instead of the inherent advantages of specific shapes.


This biomaterial can last for 2 cycles of synthesis and degradation before expiring.

Its longevity could be further extended, which may result in subsequent lifelike material ‘generations’ as it self-replicates.


What’s Next?

Although designs are primitive, they demonstrate a new way of developing dynamic machines from biomolecules.

Researchers were able to build complex behaviors such as racing, from a simple design.


Artificial metabolism can also open new doors in robotics.

Researchers are now trying to create a material that can respond to stimuli such as food or light, and perhaps even identify danger.


Read: New Bioreactor Uses Tiny Pieces of Heart Tissue To Mimic Beating Heart



Overall, the findings show that it’s possible to create biomaterials that can self-evolve, creating better and better versions of themselves.It could also be used to produce new nanomaterials, proteins, and identify pathogens.


Written by

Varun Kumar is a professional science and technology journalist and a big fan of AI, machines, and space exploration.

He received a Master's degree in computer science from GGSIPU University.

To find out about his latest projects, feel free to directly email him at

Anonymous ID: 0bdf3e July 6, 2021, 12:59 a.m. No.69613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9614


g'mornin' 'eben freeb


*crickets chirpin' here, late night



>Graphene's not looking too good

NOPE, ...

Past drops important to frame context.

These people need to ALL be ELIMINATED.

Those who know cannot sleep.



This be why we here, to HELP make it public, be the news;

otherwise is


Anonymous ID: 0bdf3e July 6, 2021, 1:14 a.m. No.69615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9633 >>9635


>Didier Raoult

>presented our work at IHU Méditerranée Infection in English:

>Management of COVID-19 in Marseille Institute

{ downloading to save offline, then cmprss to upload here }

Anonymous ID: 0bdf3e July 6, 2021, 1:38 a.m. No.69622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9633 >>9635


>biomaterial using artificial DNA


Scientists Build The First Bacterial Genome Using A Computer Algorithm

April 9, 2019 2 min read


~ Biologists successfully develop a genome of a bacterium using a computer algorithm.


~ The algorithm utilizes the redundancy of the genetic code and computes the ideal sequence of DNA for constructing genome.


~ In the future, the method could be applied to all microorganisms.


The complete set of DNA of an organism, including all of its genes are known as the genome.

Every single genome consists of information needed to develop and maintain that organism.


For years, scientists have been trying to program biological functions into artificial DNA sequences.

Now researchers at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich have developed a genome of a bacterium

— Caulobacter ethensis 2.0 — using a computer algorithm.


This is the first time someone has come up with a fully computer-produced genome of a living organism.

Although it has been physically created in the form of a large DNA molecule, no corresponding organism exists yet.

Caulobacter ethensis 2.0 is based on harmless freshwater bacterial genome named Caulobacter crescentus.


It naturally occurs in lakes, rivers, and spring water, and most commonly used in the research lab to examine bacteria’s life.


They Made It A Lot Easier To Produce Genome

In order to chemically synthesize the genome of Caulobacter crescentus from scratch,

the researchers took minimal genome of this bacterium as an initial point. In biology,

chemically synthesizing bacterial genome is one of the most challenging tasks.


11 years ago, another team of 20 scientists presented a synthetic bacterial genome:

it took them 10 years to build it and the cost of the overall project was nearly $40 million.

While they developed a precise replica of a natural genome, researchers in this study completely

changed their genome using an algorithm.


The motivation of this project was to make the genome production process easier

while addressing fundamental questions in biology.

Reference: PNAS | doi:10.1073/pnas.1818259116 | ETH Zurich


The team carefully synthesized 236 segments of the genome.

The process is not as easy as it sounds:

DNA sequence can easily twist themselves into knots and loops, making the manufacturing impossible.


They developed an algorithm to optimally utilize the redundancy of the genetic code.

The algorithm efficiently evaluated the ideal sequence of DNA for constructing genome.

The researchers applied several small modifications to the minimal genome:

they replaced over 1/6th of all the 800,000 DNA letters in the artificial genome.


The algorithm entirely restructured the genome into a new DNA sequence

while preserving its biological functions at the protein level.



What took 10 years with the previous approach,

the new technology achieved within a year with a manufacturing cost of $120,000.


The current algorithm can be further improved to generate a completely functional genome version 3.0.


The future applications include synthetic microorganisms that can be used to create intricate pharmaceutically active molecules.


The method is not just limited to Caulobacter:

it could be applied universally for all microorganisms.


Also, it is possible to develop DNA vaccines through this technology.


Read: Microsoft Has Built A Completely Automated DNA Data Storage




Although it isn’t clear when we are going to see the world’s first bacterium with an artificial genome,

this research has made it clear that it will be produced in the near future.