Anonymous ID: 2012fd July 14, 2019, 6:48 p.m. No.7656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7685 >>7694 >>7724 >>7726 >>7747 >>7812 >>8037

Coincidence anons?

Was feeling lost but fascinated, split between boards, having watched the last 4 days events, observations, connecting dots. Wrote a rambling post to organize what seemed to be coming out of the fog at me, but unsure of the thoughts.


Did, rambling, TL;DR type post connecting dots, to see what other reading anons might think, but, got a reply that was quite interesting and situated JUST SO that everyone who looked at Q's post might read how the anon answered me?


(See pic 1&2 related).


Pic 1 sort of describes what I thought I was seeing being built here, which if true, would explain Q's refusal to answer us.


Mebbe we are stuck in our own paradigm and need to break out? Mebbe the "plan" includes plans for "us" and we only think about the plan with respect to (((them))).


Mebbe what we are being forced to do is a military style build out, without being informed?


Sure is comfey in here for a lot of talented anons who are messing with new format undeterred.

And the fight with BO over there was like some kind of newfag boot camp to watch it.

Just thoughts on habbinins'

Interesting tho.

Mebbe I am going to keep my thoughts expanded, see if anything in the way of assignment comes out of the fog into focus.

Anonymous ID: 2012fd July 14, 2019, 7:01 p.m. No.7703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8037


Yeah. And this is weird. I have glasses, and your little PEPE anon is expressing exactly what I did when I saw it.


Gonna keep eyes on, keep dot connecting with this in mind?

This may be bigger than we know mebbe?

Anonymous ID: 2012fd July 14, 2019, 7:16 p.m. No.7755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7801 >>8037


Well, look at the post. It looks more like some of the helper anon posts of the past. And it definitely has that "Q" Socratic method type of questioning, doesnt it? I even replied to anon that he was "comfortably "Q" about his questions.

I had zero idea Q was even around.


My original rambeling post is elsewhere, but, I find the placement of this reply to my musings a bit "coincidental"

And it rings in your head now, cuz training.

"There are no coincidences"

Anonymous ID: 2012fd July 14, 2019, 7:31 p.m. No.7812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7822 >>7824 >>7826 >>7827 >>7831 >>7850 >>7886 >>7909 >>8004 >>8037


So, I don't know anons. We have been so conditioned for "no control" thinking.

But, Q keeps saying we are the news now, appears to be serious.

We are the news?

Like, are we having a hard time internalizing this as some kind of truth?


Breaking my head open.

Lets say Q is deadly serious, and the military has contemplated what kind of information transfer capacity or structure is needed to rescue the first amendment from the evil gate keepers?



It's 10 years from now, and Qresearch Intelligence fed news research is full blown replacement of current Mockingbird Media, and even Social media censorship artists.


WHAT does Qresearch look like to all of you ten years from now?

What would it have occurred to us to build out on this place?


Those three questions anon asked there would have to be the seeds to our thoughts that would lead to the creation of whatever America really needs to replace the evil lying crap that is served up daily. Right?


So, maybe think on that with me.

We think a lot about what is NOT right, but can we allow ourselves to start thinking on what WOULD be?

What would it look like 10 years from now if we were really the news?

Anonymous ID: 2012fd July 14, 2019, 7:54 p.m. No.7886   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7899 >>7900 >>7901 >>7909 >>7914 >>7955 >>8120


WOW. See what I mean? You guys blow me away with your ideas.


For myself I would add just one little thing .. not sure how to do it, but somehow it has to be done so that this information takeover from the top never happens again.


Long ago, America had tons of little news outlets on hard copy. Every city had two newspapers minimum, in competition.


We allowed the wealthy to buy them up as subsidiaries, then subsidiaries of subsidiaries until they were all top down control. Every city was then forced to close down one of their two news papers, back when I was in college, around the 80's.


We had a poster board in the hall in college. I remember this flyer complaining about the fact that there were only 82 companies that controlled all the news in America.


No one did anything to stop it. Next thing I know they have it all consolidated to six companies world wide.


Do we need an addendum to the Constitution First Amendment requiring all major news outlets to be stand alone corporations?


Do we somehow outlaw the buyouts, and let bankruptcy be the only reason for failure?


In other words, do we need to protect future media outlets from predatory control, through buyouts etc?


If we dont, I have to assume whatever we would create would be bought out and consolidated for control purposes, and it would definitely be done by the evil rich control freaks.

Anonymous ID: 2012fd July 14, 2019, 7:56 p.m. No.7890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7896


>tl:dr, journalism 2.0, crowdsourced investigation of literally everything everywhere


I can see this for sure. The raw data is going to be incredible. A lot of sifting required, but, you know, you would think the same for the net, then it surprises you how things just go viral because of human interaction with the data itself.

Anonymous ID: 2012fd July 14, 2019, 8 p.m. No.7906   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> A whole new business model.


This we can be sure of. You are right anon.


>I'm too old to go there. But I can still imagine stuff that no one's ever seen.


That is the beauty of the internet sometimes. Great place to crowdsource imagination. And anon, we are never too old to do that for sport. It is too fun.

Anonymous ID: 2012fd July 14, 2019, 8:06 p.m. No.7928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7937 >>8037


Man. Good point. (((they))) are writing the textbooks. Yikes.


Hmmm so like we would maybe build that Qresearch library I was toying with in the diagram, and have adults free to access the various historical data bases there for historical truths to be put in text books? Just one thought.


I do think we need to go back to the old PTA meetings monthly at the schools where parents and teachers chose WHICH books were best to use. Local control created great schools back then.

But, we also have to build a place where anons can deposit primary historical documents for the record, for historians to even use to write with. Huh.

10 years from now, I can see a virtual library of primary scanned documents on Qresearch. That would be possible 10 years from now pretty sure.

(Especially the way anons dig)

Anonymous ID: 2012fd July 14, 2019, 8:09 p.m. No.7943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7951 >>8037


There is not one word you said I dont agree with, and I could not have said it better.

This concept has to be a priority somehow, built into the system.


That is why I like Qresearch. It is inherently decentralized structure, maintained by anons. It follows that it is "Owned by the People" in Every sense, because anyone can participate, and contribute.

Anonymous ID: 2012fd July 14, 2019, 8:50 p.m. No.8054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8056 >>8062 >>8073 >>8081 >>8091


Personally, was thinking it might be good to force bakers to famefag with at least some kind of avatar if there was a way to do it... make shill baker easier to spot?

Could be fun givin' em fame fag names for graduation.

But if that worked, anons would already be doing it prolly.

Anonymous ID: 2012fd July 14, 2019, 9:14 p.m. No.8106   🗄️.is 🔗kun


DId a dig on that bible Cern thing.

Here is the map of CERN sitting over Apollyon, but even more interesting is looking at that prophecy in the Book of Revelation about the Angel of that bottomless pit and the smoke rising when the angel opens the pit...


Then, take a look at CERN when it fires up.

So much energy it has lightning like a volcano.


Two biblical descriptions.

Right city out of hundreds of cities on the planet, and now we got multi dimensional lightning effects.

Anonymous ID: 2012fd July 14, 2019, 9:23 p.m. No.8121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8126


Stay a while anon, until the shell shock leaves you. From what I understand Q had 8bit build this bunker on the same day they built Qresearch, so, Q was expecting something.

We rest here, and keep digging meming praying. Nice place. No CAPTIA. Anons digging, resting, learning to bake, recovering, watching to see what happens. You'll be comfey here.

Anonymous ID: 2012fd July 14, 2019, 9:28 p.m. No.8129   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My guess is he is waiting for all the boards attached to Qresearch to get ready for the move, or, he will just keep posting there, keep the crazies there, and give us some peace. He created this bunker with 8bit on the first day of Qresearch, so... military planning....... all that.

Anonymous ID: 2012fd July 14, 2019, 9:32 p.m. No.8145   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah you have to figure we are part of the intelligence gathering.

Were also a good psyop tool.

And people who have good minds love to do investigation for a hobby. Better than mystery novel.

That russian bombing of the terrorist camp blew me away too. Can you blame them for wanting to harness a chunk of that gaming insanity going on there?

I suspect Qteam is quite entertained most days.