Reminded me of the MC Escher piece called Staircases. Mobilefagging or would post.
I have never seen that. Escher was a mathmatician, so who knows?
If true, that would freak out your avg Joe.
Also, reminds me of a scene in a book I read years ago.
A woman is reminiscing about how her brother would occasionally hang her teddy bear from the overhead light in the hallway of their home. Evil little bastard.
You're right. Totally forgot about that.
I get it. The problem is we are inundated with negative news 24/7.
You have to find the good your own life.
I misunderstood, anon. Thanks for the clarification.
Once a few years ago I was home sick. Was lying in bed bored to death with daytime tv.
I came across the Kardashians. What the hell I thought. Lemme see what everyone is talking about.
On this particular episode Kim, Kanye, and one of the sisters travelled to Armenia to have Kim and Kanye's oldest child christened. They were being shown around the church when the sweetest music began to play from within the church. The look of joy on his face was unmistakable.
BTW, this was prior to his meltdown.
The four oldest are the children of Robert Kardashian. He was the grandson of Armenian immigrants.
He was an entertainment lawyer and one time friend of OJ Simpson.
There's more to the story, but those are the basics as I understand them.
Kek. No. As I recall, Robert and Kris divorced in early 90s. Kids were still young. So, no surprise she is not in these pics.
What I learned from twatter: there are m any more stupid people in the world than I ever imagined.
What I learned from fuckbook: there are many more boring people in the world than I ever imagined.
Deleted both and have not looked back.
Then get your retarded ass back over there and do something about it.
I dont fucking care, just get the hell out if here.
What's with you QR retards coming over and causing shit? Stay in your disfunctiinal lane, asshole.