Anonymous ID: c01282 Aug. 11, 2021, 8:51 a.m. No.81477   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1483 >>1494 >>1569 >>1668 >>1669



Dr. Frank



we have sympathetic clerks all over the country and full forensic images of the machines

then they come in to program the machines

and we image everything -

then we track everything

then they come in an erase everything

This is illegal.



And i think today, you're going to see these.

Two counties.



You will see it in real time happening in 5-6 minutes.

Anonymous ID: c01282 Aug. 11, 2021, 8:55 a.m. No.81479   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1480 >>1483 >>1486

Dr. F - Youre watching history in the making.

Ron - files were brought to his attn



publicly available file

forensic images were brought to my attn

ems is where stuff is stored before taken to the county

forensic image can hold all the data in a computer that makes it tamper-proof

two images - berfore and after a software update



software image - is a new version of the software

what we've heard is one is b4 changes were made versus after changes were made



look thru the file system and see what is in there.

maybe we should look for internet connectivity first.

can we check network logs?

I'm not hearing you guys so.....



reason you need to do forensic analysis will give you what you need to do to look at your counties

if you've got a local forensics team

Every violation counts - 10000 violations


[there's more, just got fragments so far]

Anonymous ID: c01282 Aug. 11, 2021, 9:04 a.m. No.81486   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Josh (i think)

trying to set things up so technical people can work

but wants to explain

as ron was explaining

we have images before and after an update

this is on the fly


as we looked at the original, i have one drive that shows the original - event logs, error logs

later, it's gone

they did an "update" - and all the previous data was zeroed out and deleted

Anonymous ID: c01282 Aug. 11, 2021, 9:19 a.m. No.81499   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



had a link

Ron was giving an overview/intro

they interrupted

weren't happy with the audio


then Ron started asking for info in order to do demo

but don't think they could do what he was asking for

at that point, they realized (i think) that they couldn't really do a live demo - don't have everything ready


so they went off to figure it out off the live feed

at least i think that's what happened....

Dr. Frank and others have been trying to give some general information meanwhile

and take Q&A from audience


they are playing for time

Anonymous ID: c01282 Aug. 11, 2021, 9:28 a.m. No.81506   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1507

lots of cutting out of symposium....will get what i can


josh or mark

they're pulling out the first file....this is where i talked about the vulnerabilites



i'll screen share

ok they're it is


josh or mark

date of origin of file - 2016

in 2017, we know that when the forensic image, the sys was vulnerable in that one spot



can you pull up that file?

Anonymous ID: c01282 Aug. 11, 2021, 9:31 a.m. No.81509   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1510

They are asking the audience:


Any cyber guys who know where the event logs are stored?


In what folder?


Events folder


Anyone else know where the event logs are stored?



at 1 pm central, your phones are probably going to go off - national emergency alert

Anonymous ID: c01282 Aug. 11, 2021, 9:54 a.m. No.81526   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1546



Marilyn Todd financial auditor is speaking

new to political system

speaks of "Harry Hursti, my friend, in NH"

Tonite u can see every anomaly

Harry himself is the one who gave me the inspiration to go do this


Just so anons know:

Harry Hursti LIED about NH election

said machines couldn't connect to the Net

see video right here:


Anonymous ID: c01282 Aug. 11, 2021, 10:04 a.m. No.81532   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1566 >>1668 >>1669

JovanHuttonPulitzerโ„ข #JovanHuttonPulitzer



#youtube deplatformed me for doing live play by play commentary regarding Mike's Cyber Symposium

Anonymous ID: c01282 Aug. 11, 2021, 10:11 a.m. No.81541   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1548

Ron, what have you found so far?


Looks to be some kind of web server.




Guy asks a question.

Ron, where is that file?

In the Admin scripts - so it's some kind of web server. [speaks over Ron]


Wish they would let Ron talk.

Anonymous ID: c01282 Aug. 11, 2021, 10:22 a.m. No.81549   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>didn't the twit say something like "But elections are free from oversight by NIST" as if NIST would help?



remember that


Not surprised about NIST

Did many digs on NASED, NASS, SoS org last FALL

whole fuggen election system is INFILTRATED by Dems/DS

Anonymous ID: c01282 Aug. 11, 2021, 10:32 a.m. No.81560   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

from QR re ranked choice:



ranked choice voting is where you count votes until your person wins

being pushed everywhere its in alaska too

turns everything into a europian style mess

there are no parties named on the ballot

if one person is thought to not be able to get 50% of the vote

the others running- think the california recall with 40 choices - all collude to put one loser in as their second choice

then if one person gets 45% of the votes but the others gang up together some one who only got 10% of the first vote can end up winning


this should be illegal but it is being put in anyway

Anonymous ID: c01282 Aug. 11, 2021, 10:41 a.m. No.81567   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1568

3 years of Log files - which record all of the access to that machine - are GONE.

There is no reason to delete those other than to hide the info.

Was Dominion sending people all around the country to do "updates" at this time?


Was it malicious?

Anonymous ID: c01282 Aug. 11, 2021, 10:56 a.m. No.81578   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1581


I'm still looking for those SOP files


SOP files:

A standard operating procedure (SOP) is a document that provides clear-cut directions and instructions as to how teams and members within an organization must go about completing certain processes. Note that SOP documentation is much more involved than a simple procedural document.

Anonymous ID: c01282 Aug. 11, 2021, 11 a.m. No.81580   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1585



Audience member:

Every manipulation of a voting machine requires recertification by law.

Find out if there was a recertification.

If not, election was performed illegally on a non-certified machine.

Anonymous ID: c01282 Aug. 11, 2021, 11:42 a.m. No.81611   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1620 >>1668 >>1669

GEMS is the Key

Symposium guys are talking about "old software"

but not about GEMS


Should talk about it, because it's still be used in NH and probably LOTS of other states.

see >>>/qrb/64109


"Harri will blow a gasket because he says they don't use GEMS in NH." ~1:18. But apparently they DO use GEMS, it's documented. "GEMS is the program they take to use that data and program the memory cards. It's where we believe the malware...may exist" - Gail. SEE MP4 CLIP 2.



from Jenny Cohn's article -


  1. Diebold entered the voting machine business with its 2002 acquisition of Global Election Systems, a company whose Senior VP (programmer jeffrey dean) was a CONVICTED FELON who had served time for sophisticated crimes involving "COMPUTER TAMPERING".


  1. Global brought on dean shortly before the 2000 election. A few months later, it hired a convicted drug trafficker - who dean met in prison - to oversee punch card printing.


  1. Diebold told the AP that dean left the company in 2002.


  1. But [Beverly] Harris obtained dean's court file, which included internal Diebold memos showing that dean remained as a Diebold consultant.


  1. According to Wired, dean "wrote & maintained...code used to count hundreds of thousands of votes."


  1. dean also programmed the GEMS central tabulator system, which counted one third of the votes in 37 states in 2004โ€ฆโ€ฆ.


  1. Because elected officials and news organizations never followed up on dean's whereabouts, we can only speculate as to when (if at all) dean's relationship with the company ended.


SO: the person responsible for GEMS wasJeffrey Dean- a CONVICTED FELON whose ongoing role remains a mystery.'


Dean was also a KEY PERSON running the King County elections in Seattle.

See this article:

Election Pros are Cons


In 1995, as the general manager for Spectrum Print and Mail Services in Mountlake Terrace, which was founded by his wife three years earlier. In 1998, Spectrum won the contract to print ballots for King Countyโ€™s new optical-scan voting system, which is in use today. By 1999, Dean was also the point man for implementation of a new software system to manage voter registration in King County.


see the entire article here:


Anonymous ID: c01282 Aug. 11, 2021, 12:12 p.m. No.81633   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


not sure what Ron's statement means

Ty Clevenger is an atty, but whose?

Rona Bishop was the name?

someone who works in the county clerk's office?

can't rewind live on Lindell (or at least i can't figure it out

Anonymous ID: c01282 Aug. 11, 2021, 12:14 p.m. No.81634   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1637


Have a feeling that something happened which she didn't know about - either that, or the atty misunderstood the fine points and passed along info that was not quite right



Where is Mike Lindell?

Anonymous ID: c01282 Aug. 11, 2021, 12:22 p.m. No.81638   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1640 >>1655


Getting forensic images of servers

this is really important

now that i'm looking at this

now that the chain of custody favors the county clerk....


q for mark

cbs.log - what is this file?

LOTS of activity around Nov 3.


believes it's part of microsoft operating system.

part of OS? used to install programs

component based service - ron looked it up

does that signifiy an upgrade on nov 3?


initialing installer on nov 3 2020

normally would run when installing a piece of software in the am

there's a windows update (?)

servicing stack program being run on am on election day - peculiar

not supposed to receive any updates except form vendor'

once certified, you can't make a SINGLE CHANGE



saying "failed" - failed update?


Audience member:

back to hard drive question

Are the hard drives actually gone?

I think we should go back to that

They raided Tina's office - did they take the hd's at that time?

Is that going to happen to every clerk who is a patriot?



to prevent: you have to make constant forensic images



Did any drives get taken?

don't know



We have two people who can read the batch files.



That would be fantastic.

Anonymous ID: c01282 Aug. 11, 2021, 12:28 p.m. No.81648   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

We got something.

Let's peer review it.

Image to put up on the net.


No - Mark says needs update needed, not a modem. Not batch file op, dominion employee in person. Should just be logs, employee sits down, reimages the hd, files gone.

Anonymous ID: c01282 Aug. 11, 2021, 12:40 p.m. No.81654   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1657


what batch file does

too fast to write down

but they are sequential instructions


got most of what ron said on video

except for line 4 - something about overwriting

someone got something more specific

Anonymous ID: c01282 Aug. 11, 2021, 12:43 p.m. No.81656   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1659 >>1663



What tech guys just did

beginning of a 2-3 week process

looking at anomalies eg:

  • Focus on Delta between two sets

  • Dif in partitioning


So this was like a brainstorming session

[why'd they do it in public? brainstorming is always like this - tons of time needed to isolate a few key critical points]