my friend's dad was a Nobel Laureat
He taught my friend:
Very stupid people know they are stupid
and know they are probably wrong in their judgments.
Most people are in the middle
Middle smart people can not judge is they are correct or not,
(the "smart" people you are referring to)
they are unaware when they are wrong or right.. They mis judged themselves in it.
If they are arrogant they may believe they are correct when they are wrong
The very smart people know they are right.
They know that when they believe they aced the test. they really did ace it.
They correctly judge themselves.
People on the fringes of the median can be certain.
As far as "being an engineer" or "being a doctor" or "being a real estate devoloper in NYC" ?
None of those things seemed to help people figure out the BASIC HIGH SCHOOL PHYSICS solution to the "plane hits the Tower" problem
Guess who knew.. You'll never guess?
Cab drivers and the homeless.
A well known writer in NYC name Murray Kempton wrote about this phenomenon.
"Why do comics always seem to be the ones to see through things and stand up to authority?"
They don't have the ego of "who I am"
They don't give a fuck what people think.
Also from a comic friend (very successful in stand - up)
He enjoys fucking with them. Likes to burst their little bubbles; And that's the laughter.
All the top perps, the Satanists, think they are smarter than everyone else; Tricksters. Laugh at others;
Yet they keep making big mistakes And their premises are incorrect.
20 minute count down.
We got it on speaker.
Maybe look at the astro chart.
oh yeah, and everybody who knew the right answer was mocked. Nobody likes the smart child in the class.. Even Donald Trump.
People are afraid of smart people (the anons) because they fail to understand them, and for some primitive minds that will create fear
of someone who is "different"