I know mandates aren't laws and all that shit. Public school told me I have to wear a mask to register my high schooler tomorrow.
How can they require me or my kid to wear a mask in a public school? Private school maybe, privately owned businesses, i guess. Can't I just make them stay 6 ft away from me?
I plan on asking them if they're going to disinfect my kid's birth certificate and proof of residence before and after they make copies…will they steam clean the chairs? Or if metal, wipe them down after every use?
Will they have single use masks before every class, one for the hallway, then one for the next class? They'll probably need at least 10 if they have 5 classes and 5 times walking to a new class. Then they'll need a new one for the bus ride home.
My estimation that makes 12 masks needed per day. The school is only providing one for the whole year. 180 days of school, 12 masks = 2,160 masks. Who is going to pay for these? Is the burden on me?
If my kid gets a headache from the mask, will he be excused from class? Will he be penalized for having to miss class?