A ride for the ages!
lb, kekekekek…
Sorcha Faal | Immediately/relentlessly blasted for ~3 years
Anons knew to follow
Tip of the hat (and a scalp) goes out to Sorcha
< 10020335 5400b9
>Bwaaahahahaaa Sorcha Faal. What a fuk'n waste.
La Raza
Federal Judge’s Son Shot Dead and Her Defense Attorney Husband Critically Injured Just Days After She Was Assigned a Case Linked to Jeffrey Epstein
Re: Esther Salas | Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA | Formerly La Raza
Esther Salas, an Obama appointee, is listed (by race) in NHUSA, AKA [La Raza]
Shopping list of possible violence sympathizers (La Raza haz violent history) here anons
Shopping list of leftist organizations
American Civil Liberties Union
American Friends Service Committee (Immigrants’ Rights in the U.S.)
American Immigration Lawyers Association
American Immigration Council
Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
International Migration Policy Program
Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.
Cato Institute
Emerald Isle Immigration Center of New York
Essential Workers Immigration Coalition
Expats Reunite
Grantmakers Concerned With Immigrants and Refugees
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project (Maine)
Immigrant Legal Resource Center
Immigrant Solidarity Network
Immigration Voice
Information Technology Association of America
Lambda Legal
Lesbian and Gay Immigration Rights Task Force
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
Migration Policy Institute
NAFSA: Association of International Educators
National Council of La Raza
National Immigration Forum
National Immigration Law Center
National Lawyers Guild (National Immigration Project)
National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Survivors of Torture, International (SURVIVORS)
U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform (1990-97)
U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants
>Only pedophile degenerate filters and that's a fact.>>10020416
There's an lb in there anons…
< [10020438 ddf943]
Moar shiltz?!
>…if (((they))) say "rock on", they ARE a shilly woo woo!!!
< [10020579 5c8f0e]
division shill | slit yella belly
>g'nite, really goin' this time
< [10020621 5400b9]
>No one cares faggot.
tanks for the scalp shilly woo woo!!!
< [10020684 cc68b2]
Wandered in from woo woo land…
It's not a scalp w/o a (You) from a woo-woo!