No way to sauce this. Only anecdotal.
My neighbors are deep Hollywood. Because I'm not the crazy one, they tell me everything going on inside their heads. One was poised for a big break, the grand finale to a decades long effort involving a TV show deal. Big names involved, big money. Then came CV19 lockdown. The talks and planning continued. Meetings by Zoom. All of it put on hold because of "safe social distancing" production restrictions. Now everyone is running out of money because they continued to pay staff while little money was brought in. Talk of home mortgage defaults. Refi of a refi. No one has any answers about when the lockdown and restrictions will end. Everyone you ask has a different answer, all of them contradictory. Everyone is on standby. This neighbor is turning on her spouse, blaming him for "doing nothing this whole time." (as if he could do anything)
I listen to all this, and think, "Well, you voted for this. You are getting exactly what you wanted with your continued support of the sick crime gang that runs California. By all means, keep doing what you're doing. It's the insane thing to do. Enjoy your hell."
Yes, I am planning a move. Soon. Time to get the F out of here. Alternate living arrangement among patriots is in the works as I type. I recently helped them with a crucial ammo supply for their first firearm purchase. They owe me. Ever think surplus ammo would be an important bargaining item? Now is the perfect time!