Anonymous ID: 5ffc29 July 20, 2020, 11:25 p.m. No.10030074   🗄️.is 🔗kun



She said that her parents named her that knowing the meaning of her initials (SRA - Satanic Ritual Abuse) because she claims her family were Satanists who trafficked her to people, including famous people like Tom Hanks.


What's more suspicious is that she was replying to Tom Hanks tweets as though nothing had happened. Like when do you stop being angry at your rapist and just start posting quizzical emojis at him. What a larp she is. Meanwhile real victims are out there and silence by people like Sarah. She is not only a larp lying in wait to make anons look bad, but she probably rats out real whisteblowers who might contact her with information they have about Hanks and others. So she's probably a honey pot as well as a larp.