Gotta stop w the memfaggin OSS. All the others have been told to stop also.
Seriously, its not needed.
Death to meme/nMe/trip fags.
Gotta stop w the memfaggin OSS. All the others have been told to stop also.
Seriously, its not needed.
Death to meme/nMe/trip fags.
So whats really going on here? KK come in acking PDJT for prison reform like he wouldnt, then he does.. Kanye goes in all I love this man.. and Kim sitting bricks now that all the pedo/cannabal shitnis hitting the fan so tells Kenye to get off the train?
Kanyes reaponse is fine I will run.. backs out, then says he will be on Oklahoma ticket to act like he opposes PDJT?
It has to be along some of these lines someplace.
Goji berries have a caffeine like substance in them, its cautioned to not eat if preggers or heart risk.