follow the stars…
those you trust most….
would you vote for sleepy Joe?
cuz Kanye has been just as erratic and unreliable as Joe the Sniffer…
what kind of judgement does he have to marry into Kardashistan?
c'mon anon…you must be trolling me…kek
using 'narcissist' to describe anons….hmmm…
where is that 'projection' memeI made a couple years back?
look at the news readers pontificating on screen as if their thoughts aare their own, then reflect on narcissus…
just realize that if it is on CNN, it simply isn't true, outside of the bare bones of any event.
The Department Of Justice Will Host a Virtual Press Conference Announcing Misdemeanor Criminal Charges In a National Security Cyber Matter
honestly, I lost that meme I made of the mummified guy waiting in the ham shack, but it would be apropo…
but that's ok - would be pleasant surprise…
be optimistic anon - I am betting they will simply swell a bit moar…
kinda like when I sold my race horse after I was told to pay in so I could cash out??
I own a farm
watching those Pantifatards throw a couple inches of dirt over pavement and think they were 'gardening' was chock full-o-keks…
my oldest is an ancient Osborne II. TWO 64k floppies and 256K RAM; 3x5 B&W screen. It is the size of a small suitcase, and runs on CPM opsys.
sew - how's your garden anon?
rightly so mate
I had 184 hours of college
3 worst subjects that I dropped due to lack of logic
1) psychology
2) sociology
3) economics
not a plant person I see…kek
your trolling motor is severely under powered here anon…
one game on disk - Asteroids
well, obviously you worked your way through magnificent piles of bullshit and are ok…
perhaps you bought these handy tools?
youpon is the only native north American plant that produces appreciable caffeine. you can brew it like tea with the kick of coffee…
what sp. of holly anon?
it had enough to run asteroids - which was direct pixel manipulation back in the day. no "graphics chip" back then. we called the set of chips a "display board" and you could do text, but had to write the graphics direct to the board. CPM was a biz/banking opsys
mine was fresh out of grad school and a solid 9. And yes - we traded paint and it is quite the noice memory. But that was after I dropped that shit…
we have 4 ilex opacas that were on the place when I bought it - they are doing well. pendula looks interesting - is it spiny?
once a spook, always a spook…
leads peeps down many blind alleys and has a LOT of financial support
I took it in hiskool
well anon - that's my limit on shiptosting for the week….good luck with the youpon