Garrison is /ourguy/!
Once the government decided to drop all charges, this "plea deal" became NULL AND VOID.
Cry to your rabbi, jew.
I hope you die in a fire.
Trump should start holding his "corona virus" press briefings at 4:30 AM.
The jew media would have apoplectic fits.
That's why they stopped teaching civics classes in school. Most people think that governors can rule by divine decree.
EO's do not ever apply to anyone. Only governmental agencies and employees thereof.
Giving CNN clicks is always a BAD IDEA.
It's in your TALMUD, Moishe, but then, you already knew that, didn't you?
Someone should tell the STUPID KID that his IMAGE BOARD fails to post IMAGES.
How the fuck are we to wage a meme war when we can't post memes?
Based on what you jut posted, it appears that they are in charge.
He keeps claiming to have everything, yet fails to post anything.
Kek. Ok…